Dekker - Old Fortunatus Flashcards
To whom do the old men present their action, in the frame to the main plot?
‘the temple of Eliza’ - a reference to Queen Liz, also ref to ‘Gloriana’
[thus makig the pagan contemporary and christian]
How do the Chorus seek to excuse the play?
‘Of Love’s sweet war, our timerous Muse doth sing…
Offense her artless tunes, borne on the wing
Of sacred Poesy. A benumming fear
That your nice selves…will loathe her notes’
What does the Muse entreat, according to the Chorus?
‘Our Muse entreats your thoughts to help poor Art,
Your gracious eye gives live to Fortunatus’ history’
What is Fortune’s power?
‘her love is heaven, her hate is hell
since heaven and hell obey her power’
What does Fortune say of the world
“the world is Fortune’s ball, wherewith she sports…create I emperors and kings”
What does Fortune boast she does?
“I thrust base cowards into Honour’s chair
While the true-spirited soldier stands by…’
Why does Amped., a son of Fortunatus, condemn the world?
“I am not enamoured of this painted Idol, this strumpet world; for her most beauteous looks are poisoned baits”
Of Fortune: “her gifts are toys, and I deride her power”
What does Fortune say of her Ministers, Vice and Virtue
Flourish or wither, Fortune cares not which,
In either’s fall our height our eminence
Shines equal to the sun’
What does Fortunatus teach his sons of the court, in support of kings?
In some courts you shall see ambition,
Sat piecing Dedalus…[but] they melt against the Sun of majesty
And down they tumble to destruction,
For, sicne the heavens teach kinds to stand
Angels are placed about their glorious throne
TO guard it from the strokes of traitrous hands”
What does Fortune say to Fortunatus?
You are no son of Fortune, but her slave
How does Fortunatus attmept to apologise to Fortune?
“I will be more provident”
Why does fortune refuse the apology of Fortunatus?
“this inky thread thy ugly sins have spun’
What does Fortune say of vICE?
Because her face doth sine…thou wast enamoured of her
Butasnt thou upward looked, and seen these shames…”
What does FOrtune say of Vertue?
“poor virtue…care[s] not how the world doth crowne her head///
Virtue knows her worth
What do Virtue and Vice give Andelocia
Fruit - sweet to taste, sour to bear, and vice versa
What does Fortunesay Vice is to Virute?
They have broke Virute’s laws, Vice is her servant, Her jailer, and her executioner’
What ultimately has casued vice to be overthrown~
the queen’s “virtuous presence Vie hath overthrowne” - the plays action as unncessary?
what is said of the QUeen/’goddess’?
Virtue:I am counterfeit, you are the true…
virute alone lives still, and lives in you’
what is the ending?
“sing hymns to Virtue’s deity’