Deity Flashcards
Name the four words and their meanings christians use to describe god.
omnibenevolent - all loving
omnipotent - all powerful
omnipresent - everywhere
omniscient - all knowing
name the 3 parts of the trinity
God the father
God the son
God the holy spirit
What 2 things do christians believe about God the father ?
- Creator
- Judges and rewards people
What 3 things do christians believe about the holy spirit?
- Gods continued presence on earth
- guides us
- strengthens faith
What 2 things do christians believe about god the son ?
- sacrificed his life to redeem humanity from sin
- preforms miracles
Name the quote jesus taught all of humainty to do
’ love thy neighbour’
Name the quote jesus taught for judgement day
‘Dont judge for you will be juged ‘
Name 2 ways god intervenes in the world
How does god intervene through jesus ?
Sent jesus who is god to redeem humanity through sacrificing himself on he cross.
Came to guide and teach humanity how to act.
How does god intervene in the world through miracles ?
- shows his power and existance
- shows god is omnibenevolent
Name the 4 types of miracles jesus preformed
- power over nature
- healings
- exorsisms
- resurrectiona
Why do some christians argue against the belief in miracles ?
SCS - bible miracles are a myth to reflect gods loveing behaviour but if they were real is god really omnibenevolent if he only preforms miracles for some.
Why do some christians argue for miracles ?
SCS- Miracles are real because it is evidence of gods omnibenevolence and omnipotence
Name the 6 arguments supporting the existance of god.
- miracles
- telealogical argument
- cosmological argument
- morality argument
- religous experiences
- ontological argument
Name the 2 arguments against the existance of god.
- problem of evil
- big bang theory and evolution
What is the telealogical argument?
- complex things have a designer eg : a watch. universe is complex = gods the creator
What is the cosmological argument ?
- everything has a cause.
universe has a cause = god is the 1st cause
What is the ontological argument ?
- God is the perfect being, he must exist is mind and being to be perfect. He exists.
Whats the argument for the problem of evil?
God either doesnt exist or isnt omnibenevolent or omnipotent if evil exists.