Degradation of semi-arid areas Flashcards
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
the most effective method that can be taken to reduce this process is to bring water to dry areas. this can be done through various forms of irrigation, especially digging wells and ditches, or though large-scale multi-purpose water projects, to bring much- needed water to dried-up land.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Governments can help farmers by providing people to adise them on better farming methods, such as using fertilisers and ‘miracle seed’ where possible.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Fencing off grassland areas avoids overgrazing
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Using soil conservation methods
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Planting young trees to act as windbreaks
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Avoiding any of the actions that lead to speeding up of the process.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Much- needed financial assistance provided to government through international aid agencies such as the World Health Organisation,united nations food and agricultural organization and the world bank loans and aid programmes from more developed countries throughout the world
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
in the sahel, magic stones (diguettes) are used. these are lines of stones placed along the contours of the land that trap run-off from rain water as well as soil. this is particularly useful following seasonal rainfall in the Sahel.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Animal fences, animals such as goats will eat anything and graze down the vegetation down to the roots (overgrazeing). this then prevents growth, and soil without roots to bind it together, blow away. Animal fences keep these aniamls out of these areas, and gives the land time to regrow and repair its self. rotating the areas fenced off from animals allows herds to be sustains without long-term damage to the soil.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Education can be used to make farmer aware of the causes and consequences of land degradation and of better methods of farming, for example drip irrigation.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
some of these method have been successful. Stone lines have little cost. farmers can help each other. in mali and burkina faso, this method has been successful in increasing some crop yields by as much as 50 per cent.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
Managed grazing areas are successful if fencing is available and affordable
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
In some area, the number of cattle owned is is seen as a status symbol, so the method of reducing herd size is not always successful. in addition, agreement needs to be reached with herders, which is not always possible , for example in the case of the settlement of korr in northern kenya.
Management strategies to reduce desertification and their effectiveness
even if education is available, farmers very often cannot afford the techiques that are suggested , such as drip irrigation.