Defintions Flashcards
Absolutism/ Absolute Monarchy
A government in which the ruler’s power is unlimited
Arable/ Agrarian/ Agricultural
Fertile soil/ agricultural/ farming
Animism/ Shintoism
Belief that all things in nature have a spirit/ Shintoism is a form of animism in Japan
Anti- Semitism
A term used to describe the discrimination of Jews by other groups of people
South Africa’s legal system 1948-1994 completely separating whites and blacks
A policy of giving in to an aggressor in hopes of avoiding war
Archeologist vs. Anthropologist
Scientist who studies artifacts
Scientist who studies ancient cultures
Authoritarian/ Autocratic/ Dictatorship/ Totalitarian
Use of absolute power by the government, usually a single leader
Atlantic Slave Trade/ Triangle. Trade/ Middle Passage
Europeans traded guns and trinkets to African tribes for slaves who were brought to Americas to work
Aztecs/ Mayas/ Incas
Civilizations in Latin America before Columbus arrived; Aztecs conquered by Cortes; Incas conquered by Pizarro
Balance of power/ Congress of Vienna/ Metternich
Meeting of European monarchs after defeat of Napoleon led by Metternich; agreed to make sure no one country got more power than others
Berlin Wall vs. Berlin Airlift
Wall = symbol of Cold War; split between democratic west and communist east Airlift = Western Allies flew supplies into West Berlin while Stalin blocked access to city
Boxer Rebellion vs. Sepoy Mutiny
Both rebellions against Europeans Boxer in China; Sepoy in India
Philosophy started by Siddhartha Gautama; believes in Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path
Capital/ Capitalism/ Adam Smith/ Wealth of Nations
Capital = Money Capitalism = economic system based on wealth; profit
Cash crop
Crop grown for export; examples include tobacco and cotton
Caste system/ limited mobility
A class system determined by birth in Hinduism; not able to switch classes unless through reincarnation
Latin American dictator
Civil disobedience/ Non- violent resistance
Type of rebellion in which people refuse to obey unjust laws
Advanced form of culture in which people build cities, use writing and other technical skills
Cold War
1945- 1991; ideological conflict between communist Soviet Union and democratic USA; “hot spots” included Korea and Vietnam Wars
Collectivization/ collective farm
Policy in which small farms are taken by the government and made into large farms owned by government; like Stalin did
Colony/ Colonialism/ imperialism
Area in which a foreign nation takes control over another region
Command economy/ Communism
System in which the government makes all economic decisions
Commercial Revolution
Growth of trade and business during late Middle Ages in Europe
Philosophy in China; main message was a person can achieve peace and harmony by fulfilling his proper role in family and society (5 Relationships)
Spanish conquerors in the Americas
Counter- Reformation/ Catholic Reformation
Reform movement in Catholic Church in response to Protestant Reformation- changed some of the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church
Holy wars between European Christians and Middle Eastern Muslims for control of Jerusalem and the Holy land
Cubans Revolution/ Cuban Missile Crisis/ Bay of Pigs Invasion
1959- Castro makes Cuba communist; USA tries to block nuclear missiles from being placed in Cuba and tried to overthrow Castro
Cultural Diffusion
The exchange of different ideas and goods between cultures
Cultural diversity
Differences in religion, language, traditions, and culture among members of a population
Cultural Revolution
Mao Zedong in China used students call the Ref Guards to get rid of his opponents in the Communist Party
The way of life of a group of people
Deforestation vs. Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy
Dem= rule by the people
Direct Dem
Divine right theory vs. Mandate of Heaven
Idea that rulers get their power from God/ Heaven
Boycott/ Sanction
Refusal to trade with someone or nation
Encomienda/ Repartimiento
System in which Native Americans had to work for Spanish settlers
Enlightened Despot
Absolute ruler who uses his or her power to bring about some change
French Revolution
1789- 1799
French Rebelled against their king and created a republic
When a religion emphasizes strict obedience to its holy book
Genocide vs. Ethnic cleansing vs. Holocaust
Policy of mass murder against a specific group of people; Holocaust = specific genocide against Jews in WWII
Glasnost vs. Perestroika
2 Polices of Gorbachev - glasnost allowed more “openness” in Soviet society; perestroika allowed more economic freedoms
Global interdependence
When nations depend on each other, especially in terms of trade
Global Warming/ Greenhouse effect
When pollution in the atmosphere trap heat in earth’s atmosphere resulting in permanent rise in temperature
Golden Age
A period of peace and prosperity with achievements in the arts and sciences
Great Leap Forward
Program by Mao Zedong which tries to modernize China’s agriculture and Industry; devastating results
Green Revolution
Use of chemical fertilizers and scientific advances to create greater food production through “super plants”
GNP (Gross National Product) / GDP (Gross Domestic Product)/ per capita
Total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year
Per capital= per person
Hammurabi’s Code vs. Justinian’s code vs. Law of Twelve Tables
Written (codified) law codes in Mesopotamia, Byzantine Empire, and Rome
Hieroglyphics vs., cuneiform
Early writing systems in Egypt and Mesopotamia
Main religion of India based in reincarnation and caste system
Intellectual movement associated with the Renaissance which focused on the abilities of man rather than religion
Industrial Revolution/ Industrialization
1750- 1900s
Change in the way goods are produced from home to the factory
Iron Curtain
Term used to describe the division between communist easter Europe a s democratic Western Europe
Monotheistic religion started in Arabian peninsula by Mohammed; Allah is the name for God
Khmer Rouge/ Pol Pot
Cambodian communist group led by Pol Pot
-responsible for genocide in 1970s
Koran/ Qu’ran
Holy book of Islam
League of Nations vs. United Nations
Both organizations intended to keep world peace. League existed between WWI and WWII; UN has existed since WWII
Liberation theology
Movement by some Catholic nuns and priests in Latin America to encourage people to fight for social justice
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
Slogan of French Revolution
Machismo vs. Patriarchal
Both terms refer to belief that men are superior
Magna Carta/ Petition of Right/ Glorious Revolution
3 events in England that took power away from the monarch
Marshall Plan vs. Truman Doctrine
Both were Us policies that gave economic aid to countries so they could resist communism
Meiji Restoration
The modernization of Japan
Economic system in which colonies give their resources to the mother country and the other country sells back manufactured goods to colony
When a country builds up their military power
Mixed economy
An economic system that has some private industry and some government ownership of industries
Monarchy/ Monarch
Government led by a king/ queen
Monotheism vs. polytheism
One God vs. many gods
Seasonal wind
Nationalism vs. Nationalization
Pride in one’s country vs. a government taking control of a nation’s industries
Natural rights
According to John Locke, man’s rights to life, liberty, and property
Paleolithic Age vs. Neolithic Revolution
Era of hunting and gathering vs. era of settled agriculture
Ninety- Five Theses
Martin Luther’s 95 complaints against the Catholic Church which started the Protestant Reformation
A person who wanders in search of food
Foreign policy position during Cold War in which a country chose to remain neutral (not take sides)
NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement)
Trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and USA that allows free trade, no tariffs
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) vs. Warsaw Pact
Military defense groups- an attack on one is seen as an attack on all
NATO- Western democracies
Warsaw Pact- European communist nations