Defintions Flashcards
A person is overly nice to a person she had just insulted in her mind.
A spouse unconsciously undoes his many adulterous acts by buying his partner lavish gifts.
A process by which we avoid being punished for under desirable thoughts or actions.
A person with aggressive impulses may use this defense mechanism by becoming a kickboxing instructor.
A person with major depression may use professional dance to help sublimate suicidal thoughts.
Displace unacceptable instincts for constructive and socially acceptable behaviors.
Distorts reality and does not acknowledge emotion.
Continues to eat unhealthy foods despite his doctors orders to eat healthier.
Complains that no one likes him but in reality he does not like himself or others.
Places unacceptable feelings from the person feeling them onto,another person.
Often leads to identification but refers specifically to the process of taking in or swallowing whole the characteristic or trait.
Putting on her seat belt before driving away in a car.
Internalization of outside events or characteristics of other people.
Helps reduce anxiety and guilt associated with the true impulse.
Unacceptable impulses are expressed as their opposites.
E.g. A gay man uses reaction formation when he openly dates women and criticizes gay men.
A angry supervise uses relation formation when being overly nice to his supervisor.
Reaction formation
The display of a particular characteristic or trait that has been absorbed into ones own personality.
A young person decides to follow in her fathers footsteps and become a lawyer.
Affect is transferred from one object to another.
E.g yelling at your spouse because you are unable to express anger toward your boss.
Compulsively eating lollipops after having quit smoking.
A person uses projection when he complains that no one likes him but in realty he does like himself or others.
Refusing to let into awareness unacceptable impulses but remains unconsciously operative in behavior.
E.g. Having a phobia of dogs but cannot remember the first time he was afraid of them.
Plausible reasons justify an action or opinion. Helps the person cope with disappointments by blaming external circumstances. E.g. Hitting the children as punishment after being hit by her spouse.
Help the ego cope with anxiety, frustration, and unacceptable impulses.
Each person has their unique set of defenses that make up their personality.
Helps relieve tension between inner psychological reality and demands of the external world.
Defense mechanisms
Content is separated from repressed affect.
A person may use intellectualization when speaking of his traumatic childhood.
A victim of sexual assault may use intellectual by researching factual PTSD criteria instead of addressing her emotional pain in therapy.
Rigor and self-denial
An adult refuses to eat or sleep until a major work project is complete.
An adolescent uses this defense mechanism to cope with sexual tension and desire by refusing to engage in all pleasurable activities.
A person with major depression may use professional dance to help with suicidal thoughts
A person is overly nice to a person she had just insulted in her mind.
Letting the client drive what they want to talk about
Free association
Imagine defect in specific area of the body.
Body dystrophic
The inability of not being able to recall personal information. Period of time when the person experience lack of memory of who they are
Dissociative amenesia
One or more episode of amnesia with personal travel for home.
Dissociative identity disorder
Is a pain while having sex
Is the spasm you have on the outer vagina during sexual intercourse.
Difficulty maintaining sleep or getting sleep for at least a month
Primary insomnia
Repeated awakening of a detailed nightmare, being killed, chased,etc. being able to remembered the nightmare.
Nightmare disorder
Where the person had recurring awaiting from sleep, sweating, no remembrance of the dream.
Sleep terror
Impulse to steal objects, doing it for the act of stealing
Pulling ones hair that has resulted to hair loss.
Withdrawal or tolerance related to drug use.
Drug dependence.
Not using drugs for awhile your body may go through
Person reports feeling depressed or anxious and there using a substance.
Substance induced mood
Haven’t used any alcohol for up to 1-12months
Early full remission
Have yes used alcohol for more 12 months
Sustained full remission
Lack in desire or discuss of consensual sexual relationships.
Sexual aversion disorder
Feeling detached or like there in a dream. Feeling detached or in a trauma state of time.
Depersonalization disorder
Have a normal body weight to the body weight is not less than 85% and its not bulimia because they are not binge eating, but e person is having body issues and vomiting after meals.
Eating disorder NOS
Has a body weight of less than 85%. The refusal to eat, binge eating, get so thin (remarkably thin) that they might stop having menstrual cycles
Anorexia nervous a
The person has to be binge eating to have a diagnosis of
Faking an illness in order to get an external gain. Example would be: to fake being sick in order to get a disability.
A person acts as though they have a illness because they like the attention of being sick.
Fictitious disorder
Don’t believe the doctors when they tell you that nothing is wrong with you. The person is wanting to believe that they have a illness.
Blind rage-when a psychosocial factor convert into a physical manisfascation of a issue.
Conversion disorder
When a person has a history of multiple complaints, cross the board issues like different pain in there body, gi symptoms,etc.
Somatization disorder
Rapid onset caused by confusion, related to illness. Or medication.
Rational suspicion and a mistrust in others. Always thinking that people are out to get them.
Loners, lack an interest I. Social relationship. Very withing, with know interest in connecting with others.
Schizoid personality disorder
People who are lonely. Want to connect with others, but are very social inhibited. Want to be connected with others, but have a ,it of anxiety.
Avoidant personality
Believe in aliens, watch the news and think its directed to them, magical thinking, very old thinking or behaviors.
Must be 18 years old and evidence of conduct disorder before -5 years. Have a pattern in the rights of others, law breaking behaviors, lying, etc…
Since of entitlement, grandiosity, lack of empathy. Other a preparator of domestic violence.
Narcissistic personality
Seductive behaviors, wants to be the center of attention
Histrionic personality
Obsessive orderliness, anal, has to be done a certain way.
Compulsive personality
Dependent on someone else. Very easy going, going alone in relationships, not speaking up, seek relationships as a support in order to have the other person be there main source of making decisions.
Dependent personality
Known for instability in relationships, black and white thinking. One minute they really like you, the next minute really hate you. Person might have recurrent suicidal gestures or attempts. Hard for them to keep jobs or relationships.
Borderline personality disorder
Prior to age 3 with a lack of socialization and lack of language.
Autistic disorder
Child is unable to learn in the typically manner.
Learning disorder
Symptoms prior to age 7 that need to exist in school or work. Having a hard time focusing on one activity
Having a hard time articulating words. They have words, but it is difficult to understand.
Phonological disorde
Symptoms need to occur for at least a year. Multiple motor tics and at least one motor tic.
Tourette disorder
Anxiety or worried about everything. Symptoms have to be present for at least 6 months.
Generalized anxiety
Problems with authority figures, have a problem with authority. Negative defiant behaviors.
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD
Child fails to interact in social situations, typically do to neglect I. Homes.
Reactive attachment disorder
Violations of the basic rights of others and societal norms, vandalism. There’s been a law broken and violating the rights of others. Under age 18.
Conduct disorder
Psychotic disorders present for up to 1 month.
Brief psychotic disorder
Psychotic symptoms for up to 1 to 6 months
Psychotic disorder and a mood disorder that comes in and out.
Symptoms have to be present for at least 2 weeks. Depressed so much that day to day life is effective. Hopeless, withdrawal, change in appetite.
Major depression
Full manic episode, rapid speech, racing thought, excessive happiness, irritable mood. These feelings have to be severe that it causes probably in every day life. Must be present for at least 7 days.
Bipolar 1
The predominate is psychotic features. Moods come in and out.
Schizoaffective with psychotic features
Severely depressed where you might become psychotic. You become psychotic while your depressed.
Mood disorder with psychotic features.
The oldest family member who is aware of what’s going own and tries to assume responsibility for the family by being successful.
Hero -alcoholic family
The youngest member of the family who plays the class clown in order to relieve family tension.
Often the 2nd child who ejects the family.
The 3rd member of the family who is quietly withdrawn from the family system.
Lost child
Occurs when a behavior response is followed by a stimulus that is rewarding. For example giving a reward for good behavior.
Positive reinforcement.
Occurs when a behavior response is followed by a stimulus, such as introducing a shock or loud noise. Example is spanking or doing something negative to stop the child from doing the behavior.
Positive punishment
When a behavior or response is followed the removal or an aversive stimulus. For example a wife nags her husband until he does something en the nagging stops.
Negative reinforcement.
Let the client drive what they want to talk about
Free association
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance (DABDA)
Stages of grief
Someone that has lost an person or pet for at least 2 months
Change how you think about something based on new information.
Incorporate new information into something you already know
People in group start to act more real. Typically see conflicts with members of group
In group how can we deal with conflict
Everyone gets the treatment and you do ABA testing, intervention, assessment of the final design.
Single subject desgin
Tension building, explosive incident, honeymoon
Stages of domestic violence
2-7 years allows the child to learn through the use of mental images, language and other symbols that represent objects that aren’t present.
Pre operational stage
7-11 years children are capable of performing mental operations using logic and abstracted thinking.
Concrete operational stage
Risperdal, haldol, risperidone, chlorpromazine, seroquel
Prozac, celexa, citalopram, Zoloft, sertraline, lexapro
Depressive disorder
Xanax, Ativan, lorazepam, klonopin, clonazepam
Physiogical, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self actualization
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs