Defintions Flashcards
The act of Christ whereby He took upon himself the guilt and paid the penalty of our sin and bestowed His righteousness upon us
The Bible Doctrine of Substitution
The bringing of mercy by the covering and thereby cleansing of the guilt of our sin by the shed blood and applied blood of Christ, appeasing the wrath of God on sin and rendering the believing sinner pardoned, purged, and forgiven of sin and reconciled to God.
The Bible Doctrine of ATONEMENT
The satisfaction of God‘s righteous demand for justice for the payment of the due penalty of our sins by the death of Christ
The Bible doctrine of propitiation
God buying us back from our slavery to sin and setting us free from its control and consequences
The Bible doctrine of redemption
What is an accounting term which speaks of the adding or subtracting of something to someone’s account?
The act of God, whereby he places our guilt upon the account of Jesus Christ and places, Christ, righteousness upon Our Acct
The Bible doctrine of Imputation 
What is the Bible doctrine of the undeserved love or unmerited favor of God
The Bible doctrine of saving grace
The grace enabled act of man in salvation involving a voluntary change of mind and heart, including a turning from sin to Christ
Conversion involves a twofold turning
Repentance – turning from
Faith - turning to
False counterfeits of genuine repentance
A. repentance is more than moral reformation
B. repentance is more than mere regret
Repentance is more than PENANCE, which is the attempt to do enough good deeds to make up for your bad deeds.
_____ is not the mere presence of weeping, emotion, or tears.
_________ is the response of the believing sinners heart, when convicted by the spirit of his guilt and lostness before God, causing him to have a grace enabled, voluntary and sincere change of mind and heart leading to a turn from his sin to Christ
______ does include repentance
_______ _______ is the response of the believing sinners heart, when confronted by the spirit with the person of Christ, and the truth of the gospel, causing him to have a voluntary and sincere change of mind and heart leading to a turn from his sin of unbelief to faith in Christ
Saving faith
Salvation had to be by faith, for this is the only way it could be by grace and grace is the only way sinful man could be saved
The necessity of saving faith
The act of God, whereby he replaces the state of enmity between God and man, with a relationship of friendship, through the peace purchase by the death of Christ on the cross, now placing man in a favorable position with God, through the covering of the guilt of our sin with his blood we are restored to the love relationship with God, for which we were created
The definition of reconciliation
What is the proper scriptural method for formal public profession of Christ as savior
The forgiveness, removal cleansing and putting away of our sins
To be justified is to be declared righteous and just
______ is the judicial act of God whereby he legally declares the believing sinner to be innocent of all sin, and as perfectly righteous as Christ
______ the act of God, whereby the believing sinner is set apart from sin, and to God
To be sanctified is to be what
Set apart
Sanctification is from the same word as
Holiness, separated, saint
What are the four types of Sanctification
- Preparational
- Positional
- Practical
- Permanent or Perfect
What is Preparational Sanctification
This occurs Prior to salvation to Set us Apart to the Propagating and Convicting work of the Holy Spirit in bringing men to Christ.
What is Positional Sanctification
This occurs at the moment of Salvation to Set us Apart from Sin’s Penalty
What is Practical Sanctification
This occurs throughout Life to Set us Apart from Sin’s Power
What is Permanent or Perfect Sanctification
This occurs at the Rapture to Set us Apart from Sin’s Presence.
Practical Sanctification distinguished from Justification
a. Occurs instantly at the moment of Salvation changing our standing before God.
Practical Sanctification
a. Occurs gradually throughout the life of the believer changing our condition here
b. Removes the Penalty of sin
Practical Sanctification
b. Removes the power of sin
c. Removes the guilt of sin
Practical Sanctification
c. Removes the growth of sin
d. Declares us righteous
Practical Sanctification
d. Makes us righteous
What is Regeneration
Regeneration is the act of God, whereby the Holy Spirit gives a spiritual New birth to the believing sinner, thereby imparting to them a new nature and a new heart and giving the spiritually dead a new life.
What is adoption?
Adoption is the Act of God whereby He gives the believing sinner his position, legal standing, legal rights, inheritance as a joint-heir with Christ, and all the full privileges of a son of God.
The New Birth of ________ changes us and imparts unto us the Holy nature of our Father as a child of God
____________does not change our nature, but rather our inheritance as it grants to us our position and legal standing as sons of God.
In New Testament times the Romans had a custom called _______, a ceremony in which they adopted their own sons.
In the Roman family all were recognized as _____________, but only those who went through this ritual of Liberalia were considered ____.
Children, sons
In the liberation ceremony, the father would take his 14 year old son and remove the toga of _____ and replace it with the toga of _______. Now he was declared an adult son.
Youth, Manhood
Until this time, the Roman child had absolutely ____legal rights, no special privileges, no position as a son, and no right to an inheritance. In fact, adult slaves in the household had authority over the child.
At adoption, the child received the position of an adult son with authority over slaves, all the rights and privileges of sonship, and absolute __________of his inheritance
Children could be disinherited, but once adopted, these rights were _________.
What is Intercession of the Saviour?
The Act of Christ whereby He appeals for believers as our defense attorney or advocate, defending us against Satan’s accusations of our sinfulness, thus guaranteeing the security of our salvation and giving us the right to approach God in prayer.
What are some roadblocks to Answered Prayer?
Lack of faith, unconfessed sin, Selfish prayers for human lusts, Hypocrisy, Failure to hear or obey the Word of God, Failure to give to God or others, Pride, Failure to properly love and honor our mate, demonic interference, Bitterness or unforgiveness.
What are some keys to successful Prayer?
praying in faith, praying in accord to the will of God, praying in Jesus’ name, Praying in humility, praying with fasting, praying with boldness, fervency, persistence, sincerity and specificity, praying in unity.
Preservation is not ___________
What is Perseverance
The act of Man (through the power of God’s Holy Spirit) in remaining faithful to God.
What is Preservation
The act of God in keeping us saved
Perseverance of the Saints is a general truth of Scripture and is given in Scripture as an evidence of _____
genuine salvation
Preservation is not a Guarantee that all who ________Christ are genuinely saved, but only those who ___________Christ will be preserved
Profess, Possess
Preservation is not an excuse or license to ____
sin - because believers receive a new nature and because sinning believers are convicted, chastened, and may even lose their lives.
Salvation is wholly by grace and any mixture of works to keep salvation destroys ______
Salvation is wholly and solely by grace through faith from start to ____.
Any mixture of works to earn or keep salvation means Christ died for ______
Christ ____knew the lost
Christ does not say, I once knew you, but no longer do
Since God standard is _____, if we had to be good enough to keep our salvatin, it would only take ____ sin for us to be lost.
perfection, 1
So-called believers who completely and finally abandon the faith only manifest that they were never saved.