defintions Flashcards
growing only in the presence of molecular oxygen.
Growing only in the absence of molecular oxygen (lockjaw, tetanus)
The application of an antimicrobial chemical to the skin or mucous membranes to reduce the microbial population
An agent used for antisepsis it may either kill microorganisms or inhibit the growth
Freedom from infection the absence of microorganisms that cause disease
Aseptic technique
Performance characterized by precautions for the constant exclusion of micro organisms. This means a method of working while maintaining a Sterile area by avoiding contact with anything which is not sterile
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Common term applied to sterilizing by steam under pressure which kills all bacteria including spores
A substance which destroys bacteria but not spores
Inhibiting the growth or multiplication of the bacteria
The process used to free a surface from dirt or other extraneous organic or inorganic materials
Concurrent disinfection or sterilization
Disinfecting or sterilizing process carried out during the course of a disease
The presence of a pathogenic agent on a body surface or an adamant article or in a substance
A process or method where by an object with material is rendered free of microorganisms and safe for handling without gloves
Process of reducing the microbial flora of the skin or mucous membranes the effect of antisepsis
Chemical substance for mixture of substances that has cleansing action because of a combination of properties including lowering of surface tension wedding action emulsifying dispersion action and foam formation