Definitons Flashcards
The stepping stones that deepen our catholic faith and help us get closer to God.
Sacraments are ceremonies given by the church by God in which spiritual gifts are given.
Initiation means membership. There are three stages, each stage is a sacrament: baptism confirmation and holy communion.
The first sacrament a Christian receives in the Catholic Church is baptism. During this ceremony the person being baptised is immersed in water and all original sin is washed away.
The sacrament which completes your baptism.
Holy communion
The sacrament in which Christians receive the body and blood of Christ for the first time.
The action of immersing someone or something in liquid
Original sin
A sin which everyone is born with.
Rub with oil. Usually part of a religious ceremony.
A sacrament in which all baptised people are offered the opportunity to restore their relationships that have been damaged through sin.
Any deliberate action, word or thought against the law of God.