Definitoms Flashcards
Brief introduction or miniature biography of the writer often used to connect with reader and supply them with writers credentials. Usually found towards the end of a piece and may include social media links for reader to see more of writers work
A single line giving the name and if applicable the role of the writer of a print article
A brief line accompanying a photo to explain its content or anchor its meaning
Cover line
Short quote or phrase directly superimposed onto the main cover image of a magazine summarising articles in the issue to entice target audience
Variously functioning as a title, introductory message, eye catching. Between 1 and 12 words. Capitals and fonts show tone of story. Should be prominent and easily identified
Publication title in its logo form. The choice of font and colour imply its news values and political ideology
Appears on cover and gives succinct info about an article or feature within the issue.
Short phrase, like a tagline usually on front cover to sell it to target audience
Puff Piece
Overly flattering or favourably exaggerated
Pull Quotes
A short quote lifted from an interview and enlarged to catch readers eye. Often provocative or unexpected to entice audience to read further
Written transcriptions of the exact words written by an interviewee, presented in quotation marks to convey their subjective nature. Often accompanied by interviewees name
An extra column of text placed at the side of the page, extra information related to the article without being directly related. Could be different text or font from main body
Any supply of appropriate information. May be named or anonymous, often quoted directly in final piece
Stand first (topic sentence)
Summarises main gist of a story at the beginning, a kind of introduction to main body
Come immediately after or before headline. Usually larger than main body and functions as a short but eye catching introductory explanation to story. Can give secondary detail in quick form to entice reader