Definitions T2 2016 Flashcards
Asia pacific
The region that includes north east and south east asia, australasia, melanesia and polynesia
Membership of a nation state that entails certain rights and responsibilities
An identifiable body of knowledge, skills, and understanding relating to the interactions of peoples in society.
Ecological sustainability
The ability to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
The total physical and biotic features and influences surrounding a place or organism
Human environment
Those parts of the total environment altered or created by people
Local scale
A scale of human organisation large enough to include distinct social, cultural and economic activity, yet small enough to provide familiar study
Nation state
The political unit of people living in a defined territory with government authority over their economy, political organisation and external security
A way of viewing the people, the people in it, their relationships with each other and with their environments.
Political organisation
A body of people organised for political activity. Its scale may be local, regional, statewide, national or international.
Social justice
Fair and just treatment by a society of individuals and groups within it.