Definitions of Abnormality Flashcards
Explain the definition of Deviating from Social Norms to define abnormality
Each society has norms, or unwritten rules for acceptable behaviour. Any behaviour that varies from these norms is seen as abnormal. So abnormal behaviour is behaviour that deviates from social norms.
The definition draws a line between desirable and undesirable behaviours that labels infividuals behaving undesirably as social deviants.
Give an example of behaviour that may be seen as abnormal according to this definition and explain why this is appropriate
An example of behaviour that may be seen as abnormal is being naked in public. This is due to this behaviour deviating from the social norm of wearing clothes when in public. This behaviour would be considered undesirable, so therefore an individual who deviated from this social norm would be considered abnormal.
Evaluation of deviation from social norms : Strength 1
This definition is strong as it protects and helps society, as adhering to social norms means that society is ordered and predictable.This protects society from the effects an individuals abnormal behaviour can have which is argued to be advantageous.
Evaluation of deviation from social norms: Limitation 1
However, this definition can be challanged as it shows a lack of temporal validity. This is suggested as the changes in legislation mean that norms vary dependant on the time. This is sometimes hard to judge and means that there is a lack of consensus between generations. For example, homosexuality was regarded as a mental illness into the 1970s, wheras nowadays that is no longer the case.
Evaluation of deviation from social norms: Strength 2
This defintion is strong as it is flexible dependant on situation and age. A social norm is to wear full clothing whilst out shopping, but a bikini is acceptable on a beach. It is also socially acceptable from someone aged 4 to fill a nappy but perhaps not if you’re 40.
Evaluation of deviation from social norms: Limitation 2
This definition is limited due to social norms being culturally relative, and the great variation cross culturally suggests that it is not clear what is abnormal and what is not in cultures. This makes it difficult to determine universal signs of illness.
Explain the definition of failure to function adequately to define abnormality
This definition sees individuals as abnormal if they show traits of being unable to cope with everyday life according to Rosenham’s features of personal dysfunction. The more an individual has, the more they are classed as abnormal.
An example would be the feature of personal distress, where a person having depression or anxiety disorders would lead to them being considered abnormal, as these can prevent someone from being able to cope with everyday life.
Evaluation of failure to function adequately: Strength 1
It offers a personal perspective which recognises the personal experience of sufferers and thus allows mental disorders to be regarded from the perception of the indivuduals suffering them (idiographic approach, individual experiences)
3 examples of Rosenhams features of personal dysfunction
Personal distress (anxiety and depression disorders), Maladaptive (behaviour stops them from attaining life goals, self sabotage), Irrationality (irrational behaviour)
Evaluation of failure to function adequately: Limitation 1
This definition could be considered weak as abnormality is not always accompanied by dysfunction. For example, psychopaths such as Harold Shipman, the english doctor who killed at over 200 patients , can cause great harm and yet appear normal to others as he displayed no features of dysfunction.
Evaluation of failure to function adequately: Strength 2
Defintition is strong as behaviour is observable, as someone being unable to cope with everyday life can be seen by others around the individuals as they may not be able to get out of bed in the morning, or keep a job. This way, if the individual is incapable of making a decision or helping themselves, others can intervene.
Evaluation of failure to function adequately: Limitation 2
Cultural differences must be considered, as what is considered ‘normal functioning’ varies from culture to culture so abnormal functioning of one culture should not be used to judge people’s behaviours from other cultures and subcultures.
Explain the deviation from ideal mental health defnition to define abnormality.
This definition defines abnormality as showing signs of an absence of wellbeing, where failure to meet Jahoda’s characteristics of mental health would lead to an individual being considered abnormal. The more characteristics an individual fails to meet, the more abnormal they are.
An example is having a positive attitude to oneself, including positive self respect and self confidence, as well as autonomy so being independant and self reliant.
Evaluation of deviation from ideal mental heath: Strength 1
A strength is that this definition allows for an individual who is struggling to have targeted intervention if their behaviour is not ‘normal’. For example, their distorted thinking could be addressed to help their behaviour become normal, as if their thinking is biased then their behaviour will be too.
Evaluation of deviation from ideal mental heath: Strength 2
This idea allows for clear goals to be set and focused upon to achieve ideal mental health, and, in Jahoda’s opinion, to achieve normalit, which can be useful to be used in therapy.
Evaluation of deviation from ideal mental heath: Limitation 1
The criteria outlined by Jahoda makes ideal mental health (normality) practically impossible to achieve. This means that the majority of the population, using this definition, would be abnormal.
Evaluation of deviation from ideal mental heath: Limitation 2
The criteria of autonomy makes the collectivist cultures, where the greater good and helping / relying on others is encouraged, seem abnormal. As most western cultures are individualist the criteria outlined by Jahoda seem a reasonable fit, but non-western cultures cannot relate to the criteria she outlines. This means that the definition is not global
Explain the definition of statistical infrequency to define abnormality
This deinition labels someone as abnormal if they display traits or behaviour that is statistically rare.
Any individuals who fall outside the normal distribution, around 5 percent of the population, would be considered abnormal.
Evaluation of statistical infrequency: Strength 1
The mathematical nature of this definition means that it is clear what is defined as abnormal and what is not. There is no opinion involved which means there is no bias.
Evaluation of statistical infrequency: Strength 2
Statistical evidence could be used to justify requests for psychiatric assistance.
Evaluation of statistical infrequency: Limitation 1
There is no consideration of cultural differences at all as it argues that the population of the world are contained within the normal distribution. There are variances between cultures and the mathematical nature of this definition does not allow for this. This ultimately means that abnormality could be widespread in one culture because of its comparison with the rest of the world. ( compared to definitions such as failure to function adequately that are more subjective and therefore more flexible)
Evaluation of statistical infrequency: Limitation 2
Not all infrequent behaviours are abnormal as some could be considered desirbale, such as having a high iq.