Définitions Net+ Flashcards
“This layer defines the use of a MAC address,”
“Data Link”
“This layer initiates contact with the destination,”
“This layer converts signals to bits,”
“This layer is responsible for formatting data for use by the network-aware progam,”
“This layer is defines what segment number will be sent or acknowledged,”
“This layer must contain the source of IP address,”
“This layer handles raw data only,”
“Used to provide nonsecure remote access from host terminals to various server and devices,”
“The email is stored locally and might not synchonize if accessed from multiple locations but is available offline,”
“Delivers administrative alerts to and from network devices,”
“Used to provide connectionless network services,”
“Offers a synchonized time serive to all configured network devices,”
“Used to resolve IP Addresses to MAC addresses for purposes of local area message delivery,”
“Manages the initiation of VoIP phone services,”
“Offers a secure connection from a virtual terminal to a remote devices,”