definitions medievil europe Flashcards
system used to organise land use and for controlling people.
magna carta
a magna carta is a document forcing a king to do what was best for his country, he had to respect the system of law, use this system of law in his dealings with the people. On june 15th 1215 the barons forces king john to sign a magna carta.
peasants had to pay 10% of there crop envy year to the church this was called a tithe
the village and its surrounding land
a journey people take to a place that holds special religious significance for them
a deep, wide ditch filled with water that people had to cross to gain entry to the castle or manor house.
crime of murdering someone from a high level of social status or doing something that is serious act of disloyalty to the king
if a person claimed sanctuary (protection) from the church. They had to stay in church property for 40 days admit to their wrong doings and flee the country with nothing
a siege is to surround a castle or a village with an army trapping its inhabitants inside
a moral,religious and social code the knights followed
the lowest social status in the medieval europe feudal system. peasants worked on the knights or lords land as well as there own. they paid taxes in the form of crops
a man who served his lord as a mounted soldier in armour
act of defending from or resisting an attack
a young nobleman acting as an attendant to a knight, before becoming a knight himself
a catapult used in scientific warfare used to hurl large stones