Definitions- Chapter 4 Flashcards
Anther Definition
The part of the flower that produces pollen.
Asexual reproduction definition
A form of reproduction where only one parent produces the offspring and no joining sperm and eggs is involved
Petal Definition
Colour and design attract insects
Nectar Definition
Produces sugar and fragrance to attract animals
Stamen Definition
Male organ of flower, the filament and anther
Filament Definition
Supports anther
Carpel Definition
Female organ of flower consists of stigma, style, ovary and ovule
Stigma Definition
Pollen is deposited here during pollination
Style Definition
Supports stigma, pollen grows a pollen tube down the style ovary
Ovary Definition
Store ovules, location of fertilisation and seed development
Ovule Definition
Female sex cell produced in ovary
Pollen Definition
Male sex cell produced in pollen sacks of the anther
Embryo Definition
A developing offspring at a very early stage of development before the major organ systems are formed
Fallopian tubes Definition
Tubes down which the egg passes for fertilisation
Foetus Definition
The stage of development when most of the major organs and systems are present.