Definitions (Category I) Flashcards
Winston Churchill
Churchill’s rhetoric was characterized by being Prime Minister of the UK during World War II
Political crisis rhetoric
Rhetoric in time of political crisis. It calls for extraordinary action and resources and involves the language of decision.
Fireside chats
A series of radio broadcasts made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the nation, beginning in 1933.
Rhetorical presidency
A style of governing and leadership that relies heavily on public discourse.
The idea of having one’s words and subject matter be aptly fit to each other, to the circumstances and occasion, and the audience and the speaker. What is appropriate, fitting, right, relevant to the occasion.
The opportune moment for a speech.
A figure of speech which employs an understatement by using double negatives. EX: “She is not a beauty queen.”
A term used to describe associated concepts, values and arguments that orient political actors towards distinct programs of government and social interests.
The Iron Curtain
The notional barrier suggested by Churchill that separated the Soviet bloc and the West.
Political slogan
A catchword distinctively associated with a political party or a political group.
Stump speaking
Speeches addressed to the general public during a political campaign or in support of a cause. Originated in the 1840 presidential election with W. H. Harrison.
The art of speaking distinctly, clearly, and well in regard to the pronunciation and relations of our words.
The art of using gesticulations or hand gestures to good effect in traditional rhetoric or oratory.
The GOP’s sacred rhetoric
A form of rhetoric grounded in non-negotiable values, invocation of established boundaries and expression of moral decline if violated.
The use of figurative language for artistic effect.
A generic name for a group of figures aiming at vivid, lively description.
Literary stylistics
The study of the unique features of literary works. Often made up of models, copies, and distortions of the real world.
New Rhetoric
A modern rhetorical theory that offers a strategy to analyze beliefs existing in the use of language.
God-Talk (re: Quentin Schultze)
Expressing God’s revealed wisdom through speaking the truth and the whole truth.
The whole range of dishonest communicative arts producing misunderstanding and other harmful results (making the worse seem the better cause).
Listening-Rhetoric (re: Wayne C. Booth)
The whole range of communicative arts for reducing misunderstanding by paying full attention to opposing views.
A rhetorical device wherein the speaker or writer brings up a subject by either denying it, or denying that it should be brought up.
An orator who serves his audience and speaks humbly, embodying Christ-like virtues.
Refers to a form of writing, mostly poetry, wherein the author describes another work of art, usually visual