Definitions and Theories in Psychology Flashcards
Definition: Psychology
The scientific study of human behavior and mental processes
Definition: Behavior
Observable action
Definition: Mental Processes
Internal experiences; feelings and thoughts
Definition: Operant Conditioning
We tend to repeat processes that lead to reward and not repeat processes that lead to discipline
Definition: Repression
Psychoanalytic term for burying information in the subconcious
Definition: Conscious Mind
Readily accessible mind
Definition: Unconscious Mind
Inaccessible mind, but influence behavior
Definition: Eugenics
A biographical plan loosely based on genetics to selectively breed humans in order to get the perfect human
Definition: Social Psych
Uses scientific method to understand and explain how the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of other human beings
Definition: Attitude
The evaluation of people, objects or ideas that can be both positive or negative and shape our world
Mere-Exposure Effect
You will like more what you see more. Therefore, seeing a lot of the same commercial will increase your likelihood of buying the product
Central Route of Persuasion
Explaining directly why you are better than the competition
Peripheral Route of Persuasion
Showing (not saying) why you are better than the competition
Definition: Cognitive Dissonance
The theory that people are motivated to reduce differences that are psychologically uncomfortable in thoughts, feelings, or actions.
Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon
A compliance strategy: If they agree to something small, they are more likely agree to a larger request later
Door-in-the-Face Strategy
A compliance strategy: If you start large and back off, small seems better and they are more likely to grant it
Norms of Reciprocity
If someone does something nice for you, you are more likely to do something nice for them back.
Fundamental Attribution Error
It is the bias to view the behavior of others in terms of dispositional characteristics, not considering other situations that could have impacted the outcome
False-Consensus Effect
We like something, so we assume that everyone else must feel the same way.
Just-World Bias
Good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. It’s our way of making sense of the world and assuming it is fundamentally fair.
Definition: Stereotype
A generalization or shared belief about a group of people. It can be positive or negative.
Definition: Prejudice
The negative side of a stereotype.
Definition: Discrimination
When action is taken due to stereotypes
Definition: Ethnocentrism
If you think other cultures are odd and your culture is the best.
Definition: Out-group Homogeneity
Because we have a lot of experience in our in-groups, we are able to clearly see variance, however, with out-groups we have no experience and see them as all the same.
Definition: In-Group Bias
We have a desire to see ourselves as good people. Therefore, if we have a social identity we see as good, we will favor those with the same identity (our in-group)
Contact Theory
Minimizing prejudice through cooperation through a common superordinate goal
Bystander Effect
The more people involved as bystanders, the less likely any one individual is to take action.
Diffusion of Responsibility
The more people in a group, the less responsibility each individual will take.
Pluralistic Ignorance
We look at how other people are reacting to decide how we should react