Definitions and Terminology Flashcards
A diagram that consists of vertices and edges
A graph where the edges have weights
Connected graph
A graph where all pairs of vertices are connected
Simple graph
A graph that does not contain loops or multiple arcs
Directed graph
The edges in a directed graph have direction
Completed graph Kn
Graph contains n vertices where each vertex joins each of the remaining vertices exactly once. Number of edges n(n-1)/2
Sequences of edges where the end of edge is the start of the next edge.
A trail where no vertex can be visited more than once
A closed path where the first and last vertex are the same
Hamiltonian cycle
Cycle that visits all the vertices. In a complete graph there are (n-1)!/2
Spanning tree or tree
Connected all vertices of a graph. For a graph with n vertices the spanning tree will have n-1 edges.
Minimum spanning tree
For a weighted graph, a spanning tree with minimum weight.
Eulerian Graph
Closed trail (cycle) that uses all the edges of a graph. All vertices must have an even order.
Non-closed trail that uses all the edges. The graph will have exactly two vertices with an odd order.