Definitions and interpretations Flashcards
How is sustainable development defined according to Brundtland?
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Which are the three main dimensions of Sustainable Development?
- The ecological
- The economic
- The social
What are ecosystem services?
It is usually defined as the “direct and indirect contributions ecosystems make to human well-being”
What does Hume’s law say?
We can’t conclude what we should do simply by observing the way things are. You can’t derive an ought from an is.
What is final value?
States of affairs that we consider valuable in and of themselves have final value, ex. human life, happiness, truth, knowledge.
What is instrumental value?
Instrumental value is derived from contributing to a final value (or something else with instrumental value). If we think human well-being has final value then ex. good friends or money have instrumental value.
What is anthropocentrism?
The perspective that only humans have moral standing and human needs have final value and therefore grant humans special status. Sustainable development expands the circle of moral concern to also include future generations. In this case nature does not have moral standing and therefore protecting the environment only has instrumental value.
What is zoocentrism?
The perspective that a part from humans, also sentient-animals have moral standing. This is not about treating everyone exactly the same, ex. animals should not have the same set of rights as humans (ex. vote), but to take into account the interests of animals in societal decisions.
What is biocentrism?
The perspective that the circle of moral concern cover all life: humans, other animals, non-sentient animals and plants. Humans have an obligation not to harm other life forms or prevent their possibility of life, but they have no obligation to help grass grow better or feed starving animals.
What is ecocentrism?
From the individual to the collective. In this perspective the focus shifts from the individual to the whole and to groups. In radical ecocentrism, only the landscape or the ecosystem - the whole - has moral standing. By this view, individuals only have instrumental value by virtue of maintaining the function of ecosystems. Ecosystems take on value by certain properties, including stability, integrity and beauty. Radical ecocentric ethics assign moral standing to species, not individuals.
Which are the three main dimensions of Sustainable Development? Give a short description of each dimension
- The ecological: this dimension has to do with sustaining natural systems so that they can keep providing humans with important utility.
- The economic/governance: this dimension involves managing the resources required to meet human needs.
- The social: controversy over what it actually includes. Should be thought of as the preconditions for building societies that allow human needs to be met.
How can the ecological(/environmental) dimension be divided?
Can be divided into the environmental production capacity and the environmental assimilative capacity.
The environmental production capacity is the ability to provide humans with natural goods broadly conceived ex. clean water, cropland and forests that can be used for food, fuel or other products - in short, renewable natural resources.
The environmental assimilative capacity involves the ability to handle a variety of pollutants and environmental impacts, ex. the oceans absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide. The dimension can be understood as a boundary we must not cross. If we ruin earth there is nothing to do with our money.
How can the economic dimension be divided?
The dimension can be divided into two parts; finite natural resources and human-made capital.
Finite natural resources include fossil-fuels, metals and phosphorus. They are part of the ecological system and are not renewable. How should they be allocated among generations to come?
Human-made capital means assets created by people to produce other goods and services. To a rough approximation this can be divided into physical capital - buildings and factories - and human capital - human knowledge.
How can the social dimension be divided?
Holmberg and Larsson suggest dividing the social dimension into vertical and horizontal social relations.
Horizontal relations are networks built by people and organizations. Well developed horizontal relations increase trust among people, our current market economy is one example.
Vertical relations are often those we call formal institutions, those that have systems of rules and a hierarchical structure, can be social insurance systems, legal systems. Here efficiency is required along with impartiality and low tolerance for corruption.
When discussing sustainable development one can talk about ends, means and preconditions. What is the end, i.e., the goal of sustainable development?
The end goal of sustainable development is to achieve human well-being and flourishing for current and future generations, in a way that respects planetary boundaries and ensures that resources are used equitably. This encompasses not only meeting basic needs such as access to clean water, food, healthcare, and education but also ensuring social equity, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability, so that future generations can enjoy a healthy planet and a fair society.
An end refers to the ultimate goal or outcome that society seeks to achieve. These are the desired conditions or objectives that sustainable development aims to fulfill, such as ensuring a high quality of life, well-being, and long-term ecological stability for present and future generations. Ends focus on what we want to accomplish rather than how we get there.