Definitions Flashcards
relates directly to the people in an organization - communication visions, building enthusiasm, motivating staff to reach goals and follow plans
sets plans into action through the coordination of people and resources
the managerial process of setting directions and objective for the organization
involves checks and guides to ensure things turn out as planned
Scientific Management
the success of an organization comes down to whether workers truly know the fundamentals of their jobs or not
Administrative Principles
identified 14 different rules a manager should follow to ensure a worker was performing at optimal levels of production (including division of work, authority, discipline, unity of direction, centralization)
Bureaucratic Organization
believed people were in position of authority because of their social status in society, not because of their abilities and thought a bureaucratic (specialized departments + training > status) administrative system could change this
Organizations as Communities
managers and workers should work together to create a sense of collaboration and unity in the workplace
Theory X manager
think employees don’t want to do work = need a push by a boss to get work done
Theory Y manager
assumes that people work, because they want to satisfy their own intrinsic motivation and drive, and to accomplish and achieve
Personality and Organization
the key to successful organizations and effective leadership is very simple: managers who treat people positively and with respect will in turn create very productive workforces.
Production Management Theories
focused on how to get workers to produce both quality and large quantities of product - tend to forget about the social and personal implications of work-related satisfaction
Behavioral Management Theories
understand that workers often choose to work at an organization because they enjoy a certain line of work and attempt to reach their full potential in a work setting
Period of time when people get to know each other - looking for someone to take a more leadership role
team personalities conflict, perception of objectives may differ, very difficult to get through this stage