Definitions Flashcards
Affordances (James Gibson, 1977)
Properties an object possess
These qualities define how the object will be used and what it encourages you to do
Depends on perception in an environment as perception drives action as well as an individual capability (adult vs child)
“It is not what is inside the head that is important, but what the head is inside of”
Important to consider affordances when designing products e.g. architects
Products encourage:
1) cuddle-ability - see and act
2) explore-ability - curious, discover more
3) afford-ability - nudge you to take action
Anxieties - children in the commercial world
Unhappy and negative relationships
Some anxieties are created in your head
Some anxieties are heightened and amplified through media
Children in society are seen in an emotional way due to the vulnerabilities
Anxieties are fuelled due to topics including:
1) Hidden dangers
2) Adult products - obesity, tobacco and alcohol
3) Sexualisation
Brand Loyalty
A tendency for repeat purchases from a brand due to emotional connection: meet expectations or align with ones self identity
Customers see this brand as superior to others
Can be a conscious or subconscious
Based on perception
This is very subjective and varies between people, but a very powerful technique for companies
e.g. Nike vs Adidas
Bronfenbrenner Model
Bioecological model of how a child develops overtime
Based on the qualities of the child and the environment
5 different system layers:
1) Microsystem: Directly influential factors e.g. family and peers - closest to the system (most influential level of system)
2) Mesosystem: Connecting/ building bridge between 2 areas of life e.g. teacher and parent
3) Exosystem: Indirect influences e.g. media
4) Macrosystem: All encompassing e.g. social and cultural beliefs
5) Chronosystem: Dimensions of time
Central Route (Petty and Cacioppo, 1981)
This is one of two forms of persuasion, based on the interest and opinions in a topic
Requires thoughtful consideration of ideas and concepts
Only possible if have motivation and ability
Key for high involvement purchases/ decisions e.g. car
Include information on product information and it benefits
Needed for long-term persuasion
Cognition, affect, conation
They are 3 types of attitudes/ way of thinking, which vary across consumption cycles and life spans
Based on 3 parts of the mind
Cognition = way we think (thoughts and beliefs) Affect = way we feel Conation = what motivates us
Cognitive Dissonance (Leon Festinger, 1957)
Internal conflict where two thoughts in your mind contradict each other creating a mental discomfort
Thoughts and behaviour are influenced by family, peers and media
This is a common feeling in purchasing also known as buyers regret
e.g. smoking - enjoyable but know it is bad for you
Compulsive Shopping
Compulsive is the process where someone does something a lot and cannot stop
Compulsive shopping has been identified as an impulse control disorder by the WHO
An individual gain pleasure from shopping and their pleasure receptors are triggered just like drugs
If an individual is unable to shop then they can become anxious
This shopping obsession goes beyond consumerism
These individual struggle massively in the ‘dissolution’ stage of consumption
Consumer Socialisation (Ward, 1974)
The way in which we learn and acquires skills, attitudes and knowledge relevant to how we function as a consumer in market place. This is a constant process throughout our lives which never stops and often an unintentional process
This topic is broad in terms of:
Economic - how spend money
Political - huge interest to policy makers
Traditionally seen as a one way process whereby children learn from their parent but now different:
1) Interfamilial
2) Celebrities
3) Advertising
Family influences beliefs, religions and manners
Friends influences fashion and style (way you express_
Tendency for someone to repeat behaviour of someone else once they have performed it
This is often an unconscious process and part of being human
People find comfort in doing and being similar to others
Influences self identity
This term was adopted from medical stances
e.g. dress or speak in a certain way due to friends or celebrities
The way in which an individual dispose of a purchase
This is the 5th stage of the consumption cycle
Many ways to dispose and these are subjective but people are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental factors
Throw away, return, pass on to family or hoard (this is particularly common of compulsive shoppers)
Reason for actions depends on nature of products - is it part of your self identity
Dual Process Theory (Kahneman)
There are two systems:
We spend most of our time in S1, however most people identify themselves with S2
System 1: Thinking fast, gut instinct
Decisions based on limited information
Fast, automatic and effortless thought process
Based on first impressions we create judgements
System 2: Thinking slow, more rational
This comes into play when S1 fails
Critical thinking approach, often when we encounter something unexpected
Ecological Niche
The accustomed place where a child performs, behaves and does things (this is often the home surrounded by family)
The child here learns to behave in this particular setting - what to do, how to thinks and develops mental structures
Link to schemata
Elaboration Likelihood
Model of persuasion focusing on changing people’s attitudes
Requires thoughtful consideration of ideas and concepts
Only possible if have motivation and ability
Key for high involvement purchases/ decisions e.g. car
Include information on product information and it benefits
Needed for long-term persuasion
Influenced more on other cues aside from the discussion
Passive process
Low involvement
Focus on making products look more attractive
Needed for short-term persuasion
Embodied Cognition
Originally mind and matter considered two different things but now stance is focusing on bodies being part of our minds
The brain is important but not the only source that generates behaviour
Body helps to solve problems we couldn’t do with just our brain
Used to think action was influenced by thought, but now believe thought can be influenced by action
e.g. Baseball fielder catching a ball - if you add a body that can move then get a better perception of how it is moving and where it will land
Emic & Etic Approaches to Cross -Cultural Research
Two different approaches to studying humans and how they behave across cultures
Insider, bottom up
Looks at consumption from within the system only examining one culture (through the eyes of the culture)
Distinctive features and categories
Allows people to speak for themselves and hope new concepts appear, common when researching topics not already heavily theorised
Outsider, top down
Universal approach, examining many cultures comparing them
What is universal across cultures by comparing and contrasting
Typical of large-scale questionnaire based work
Endowment Effect
The state whereby an individual values something they already own as more valuable and superior to something they do not own
This would result in them demanding significantly more to give up an object than they would be willing to pay to acquire
This concept states economic exchange is not symmetrical, trading is not straightforward and a product value is subjective and personal
Emotional bias influences this
e.g. old bottle of wine seen a more valuable than a new one to individual - large sense of personal welfare