Definitions Flashcards
Feasible region (solution space)
The set of all points satisfying all constraints an sign restrictions
Optimal solution
The point(s) at which a linear programme’s objective function has been minimised/ maximised.
Binding constraint
A constraint is binding if LHS=RHS when the optimal solution is substituted into the constraint.
Non-binding constraint
LHS is not equal to RHS when the optimal solution is substituted into the constraint.
Extreme point
A point that lies on the end point of a line segment that is completely in the solution spacce.
Standard form
The linear objective should be maximised subject to a set of linear constraints.
Canonical form
Every basic variable has a coefficient of 2 in exactly 1 equation and 0 in all other equations, an every equation has at least 1 basic variable.
Basic soultion
Obtained by setting n-m (non-basic variables) of the variables equal to 0 and solving for the remaining m variables (basis variables).
Basic feasible solution
Any basic solution in which all the basic variables have non-negative values.
Extreme point of a convex set
Let S be a convex set. A point X in S in an extreme point of S if no points X1, X2 in S exist with X1 not equal to X2 and 0<a></a>