Definitions Flashcards
A word that describes a noun or a pronoun
A word that gives extra information about a verb
Words that are close together start with the same sound
A comparison to show how one thing is similar to another, which makes it easier to understand
Chronological writing
Presented in time order
Cinematic Writing
Writing that makes the reader feel like they’re watching a film
Colloquial Language
Informal Language that sound like Ordinary Speech
A more formal type of newspaper, which often focuses on more serious topics
Commentary (newspaper article)
A type of newspaper article that expresses the opinions of the writer on a theme or news event
Complex Sentence
A sentence that links together two or more clauses
Compound Sentence
Two main clauses joined to make one sentence using a conjunction
A word that goes before the noun to show possession
Direct Address
When a writer talks straight to the reader
Double Negative
A sentence construction that incorrectly expresses a negative idea by using two negative word or phrases
Emotive Language
Language that has an emotive effect on the reader
The ability to imagine and understand someone else’s feelings or experiences
Explicit Information
Information that’s directly stated in a text
Figurative Language
Language that is used in a non-literal way to create an effect
First Person
A narrative Viewpoint where the narrator is one of the characters
Frame narrative
A narrative in which one story is presented within another
A statement that gives an overall impression without going into details
When exaggeration is used to have effect on the reader
Imperative Verb
A verb that gives orders or directions
Implicit information
Information that’s hinted at without being said outright
A word that is used alongside an adjective to provide emphasis
Altering the normal word order for emphasis
Limited Narrator
A narrator who only has partial knowledge about the events characters in a story
Linear Structure
A type of narrative structure that tells the events of a story in chronological order
A recurring image or idea in a text
A naming word that refers to a person, thing place or idea
Objective Writing
A neutral, unbiased style of writing which contains facts rather than opinions
Omniscient Narrator
A narrator who knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the narrative
Describing or rephrasing something in a text without including a direct quote
Possessive Pronoun
Pronoun that tells you who something belongs to
A word that can take place of a noun in a sentence
A style of text that makes fun out of people or situations
Second Person
A narrative viewpoint that is written as if the reader is one of the characters
Sensory Language
Language that appeals to the five senses
A less formal type of newspaper, which often focuses on more sensational topics
Third Person
A narrative viewpoint where the narrator remains outside the events