Definitions Flashcards
Absent Parent
A child’s parent who is not residing in the home AKA non-custodial parent.
Actual Income Budgeting
Actual income amounts are normally, but not always, used for calculating benefit months, or when a full month has passed and an eligibility determination is made in the following month, or for prior medical months. Over- payment calculations involve budgeting actual income and circumstances which existed in the month in question.
Adequate Notice
Notice of case action which includes a statement of what action(s) will be taken, the reason for the intended action(s), and the specific manual reference(s) that supports or the change in federal or state law that requires the action(s).
Administrative Terminal (Admin Terminal)
A computer program through which EBT is managed.
Advance Notice
Adequate notice of adverse action provided at least 13 days before taking an action on an ongoing or open case.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Registered nurse with additional training and certification in a specific area of medicine. Examples are certified nurse-midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and pediatric nurse practitioners
Adverse Action
Any DWSS action resulting in suspension, reduction, or termination of benefits. The term is also applied to decisions regarding protective and restricted payments. Denied cases do not require adverse action.
Agricultural Research Extension, and Education Reform Act (AREERA) of 1998
(Public Law 105-185) — This “Act” extended food stamp eligibility, effective November 1, 1998, to certain aliens (children, blind and disabled who were lawfully residing in the United States on August 22, 1996).
To average income over a 12-month period.
An amount payable yearly or at other regular intervals.
Court order declaring a marriage invalid.
An applicant/client request for a fair hearing concerning some DWSS action.
An individual who applies for assistance.
The action by which the individual indicates in writing the desire to receive assistance. When receiving requests for assistance, DWSS must accept any designated application form or redetermination form which contains at least the applicant’s name, address, and signature, or, for SNAP, the signature of a responsible household member or authorized representative. The applicant must answer all the questions on the application before the household can be approved/ certified.
Application Date
For new and reopened cases, the date a properly signed application is received. When adding a program to a properly signed application, this is the date that the new program is requested.
Applied (Countable) Income
The amount of income after applicable deductions/ disregards that is counted for the assistance household group.
Unpaid child/spousal support which is due according to a court order.
All items owned by an individual that have a monetary value.
The legal transfer of individuals’ rights to benefits to the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services. This includes child/spousal and third party liability (TPL).
TANF “Assistance” is defined as cash payments, vouchers and other forms of benefits provided to cover a family’s ongoing basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, etc. It includes child care, transportation and other supports for families that are not employed.
Assistance Unit (TANF/TRM Family)
A TANF cash or TRM assistance unit requires that all persons or group of persons who live in the same home, who are related by blood, adoption or marriage/domestic partner must be included in the assistance unit to establish eligibility for the household. The household must include either a dependent minor child who resides with a custodial parent or other adult caretaker relative, or a pregnant individual.
Authorized Representative (AR)
For SNAP, a person chosen by the household to apply for, redeem, and use benefits on the household’s behalf. For TANF and medical programs in situations in which the client is incapacitated or incompetent, someone acting responsibly for a client in the various aspects of the application and redetermination process.
Balanced Budget Act (BBA) 1997
This “Act” restored eligibility to certain aliens and also gave states additional ABAWD exemption authority.
Bendex (Beneficiary Data Exchange)
Computer tape from SSA giving Social Security and Medicare information on DWSS clients. A discrepancy report is generated when the amount reported by DWSS does not match the information on the Bendex file.
The person named to receive benefits.
Benefit Month
The month for which eligibility and benefits are determined. Eligibility is based upon anticipated income and expenses in the benefit month.
A person living in a SNAP household paying reasonable compensation for room and meals. A boarder can receive SNAP only with the household they board with.
Budget (Income) Month
The calendar month from which income, resources, household composition, and expenses are used to determine eligibility.
Budgetary Needs
The full basic needs amount as defined by DWSS necessary for a family to obtain food, clothing, housing, utilities and incidentals such as telephone, laundry, and recreation. This is based on family size and is used in the TANF 100% Budgetary Needs gross income test.
A procedure used to determine eligibility based on the best estimate of income and circumstances which will exist, or expected to exist, in the month benefits are authorized.
Cafeteria Plan
A term sometimes used to refer to flexible fringe benefit plans offered to employees by their employers.
Capital Assets
The accumulated possessions (property, goods, products) used to produce income or other goods.
Capital Gain
The financial profit from sale or transfer of capital assets.
Card Issuance Staff
A member of the office support staff who issues Nevada
QUEST Cards.
Caregiver-AKA relative caregiver.
An adult whose needs are included in a TANF cash benefit because they are within the required degree of relationship and are financially eligible according to TANF policy (e.g., grandmother, aunt, uncle, etc.) Note: Two adult relatives (e.g., aunt/uncle/grandmother/grandfather) cannot be included as needy unless they have dependent children of their own and meet TANF requirements.
Cash Account
In Nevada, the cash account is through an EBT account that includes both TANF benefits as well as Child Support Payment available to the client. An out-of- state EBT account to which the client’s out-of-state TANF benefit amount is credited. Applicants coming from out-of-state may have access to cash in the EBT if they were eligible for the benefit when they left that state.
Cash Surrender Value (CSV)
The cash surrender value of an insurance policy or like financial instrument.
Categorically Eligible
A Term used to define a certain SNAP household. Categorically eligible households include households in which all household members receive a combination of any of the following:
*Interim Assistance (IA), county/general assistance or Indian General Assistance (IGA),
*SSI (must meet citizenship requirements),
*TANF Cash – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families cases including NEON,Loan, TCHD, TEMP and SSG,
*Have an active TANF case but benefits are suspended or recouped, or
*Receive zero benefits because their TANF benefits are less than $10.
*Have SNAP income below 200% of poverty.
A categorically eligible household is identified on the STAT screen. These cases receive special budgeting.
Certification Period
The time period SNAP households are approved for benefits. Most households are approved for 6 or 12 month certification periods.
CHAP (The Child Health Assurance Program)
Medicaid for pregnant women and children under the age of 19 meeting specific requirements.
Child-Only Program
TANF benefits paid to a household who does not have a work eligible individual. Categories of child only cases include: SSI caregivers, Non-needy Relative Caregivers and Kinship care.
Child Support
Money that is:
1.Ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction on behalf of a minor child or
2. Paid by the non-custodial parent.
Child Support Enforcement Program (CSEP)
CSEP in Nevada is responsible for the administration of and oversight of child support enforcement activity.
An amount owed by a client for an overpayment of benefits.
COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment)
This adjustment occurs several times a year depending upon which program is impacted. (Example: Social Security, VA, and pension benefits.)
Collateral Contact
Person with no vested interest who the worker can contact to verify client information.
Common Law Marriage
Relationship in which the parties are free to marry, are living together, and hold out to the public that they are husband and wife. Nevada does not recognize common law marriage. Tribal marriages are legally recognized marriages.
Component (Work)
A service, activity or program designed to assist SNAP recipients gain skills, training or work experience to increase their ability to obtain employment and achieve self-sufficiency.
Continued Benefits
Continuing or restoring benefits to the level authorized immediately before the notice of adverse action.
Verified payments which are paid by an individual other than a non- custodial parent:
1. Directly to a vendor on behalf of a TANF assistance unit; or
2. to the client.
Current Support
The monthly amount of child/spousal support ordered by a court.
Custodial Parent (CST)
Parent who has physical and/or legal custody of child(ren)
and support has been ordered by a court.
Derivative Citizenship
United States citizenship that is claimed by a person born outside of the U. S. to one or both U.S. citizen parents.
DHCFP (Division of Health Care Financing and Policy)
DHCFP rules govern the Medicaid programs.
DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services)
DHHS rules govern the TANF/Employment and Training Programs.
Individuals or households disqualified from program participation (ineligible).
Disqualified Person
In the SNAP or TANF cash program, someone who normally would be considered a participating/required member of a household but whose needs are not considered.
Diversion Payments
Diversion payments are financial assistance payments, designed to meet an immediate emergency need and prevents the family from requiring ongoing cash assistance in accordance with Nevada’s or another state’s policy provisions. In Nevada, this is the Self-Sufficiency Grant (SSG) Program.
DoIT (Department of Information Technology)
This department houses the individuals responsible for programming, maintenance, systems design, trouble shooting, system requests, etc. DoIT works with DWSS Information System and Information Services staff to ensure system proficiency.
Domestic Partners
Domestic partnership is not a marriage but rather a new type of civil contract and is recognized in Nevada. Domestic Partners are considered “spouses” and have the same rights, protections and benefits as are granted to and imposed upon spouses.
A policy in TANF that requires that a child live with a relative who is within the required degree of relationship.
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, previously referred to as NSWD – Nevada State Welfare Division.
Earned Income
The term earned income encompasses income in cash or in-kind earned by an individual through the receipt of wages, salary, commissions, or profit from activities in which s/he is engaged as a self-employed individual or as an employee. Earned income entitles the client to work-related deductions.
Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC)
Payments from IRS to persons with tax dependents and gross monthly earnings at or below levels established by the IRS.
EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer)
EBT is an electronic system that allows a recipient to authorize transfer of their government benefits from a federal account to a retailer account to pay for products received. An EBT account is accessed by TANF and/or SNAP client with a pin number. An EBT account is credited with the dollar amount of cash and/or SNAP benefits.
EBT Adjustment
A debit or credit transaction initiated by an EBT specialist to correct a system error or to correct an out-of-balance condition identified in the settlement process.
EBT Authorization
Affirmative response by the EBT system to a request to permit a card account to be used in a transaction.
EBT Automated Response Unit (ARU)
The toll free 1-866-281-2443 number that clients may call to report lost or stolen cards, or to select a PIN number. The customer service number is listed on the client training material.
EBT Compromised PIN
The four-digit secret alphanumeric Personal Identification Number (PIN) that is known by someone other than the client or the client’s authorized representative.
EBT Voucher Transaction
An off-line SNAP transaction usually accomplished through a paper (manual) voucher process. Like a credit card draft, the voucher requires the recipient’s signature.
Emancipated Minor
A person under age 18 who has been or is married. The marriage must not have been annulled. DWSS requires certain conditions be met before automatically applying emancipated status to a minor. Refer to E&P Manual for instructions. Minors must reside with parents or a person designated by the court to receive benefits.
Employment and Training (E&T) Program
The program for employment assistance and work registration of TANF and SNAP clients.
Energy Assistance Program (EAP)
This program pays benefits to help eligible persons pay utility costs.
EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment)
Services offered through Medicaid Support Services for TANF-eligible children. This program is known as the Healthy Kids Program.
The fair market value of an item minus all money owed on it and the cost associated with its sale or transfer.
Expedited Service
Special processing of SNAP applicants who qualify for the 7-day expedited service requiring faster issuance of the food allotment.
Expunged EBT SNAP Benefits
Electronic benefits that are not used by the client for 365 days after the day of availability and returned to Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). The client can never regain access to expunged benefits.
Expunged EBT TANF Benefits
Electronic benefits that are not used by the client for 180 days after the day of availability are expunged. The client can never regain access to expunged benefits.
Fair Hearing
A meeting conducted by a regional hearing officer with any applicant or client who disagrees with and wishes to appeal some action taken on his case.
Fair Market Value (FMV)
Amount of money an item would bring if sold in the current local market.
Family Preservation Program (FPP)
Administered by the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services (MHDS), to provide assistance to TANF children with profound or severe mental retardation or children under age 6 with developmental delays.
FAMIS (Family Assistance Management Information System)
Specific federal design requirements which must be included in all new automated systems.
First Cousin Once Removed
A person’s first cousin once removed is either his (1) first cousin’s child, or (2) parent’s first cousin.
First Excess
A payment sent to an TANF recipient by CSEP. When CSEP receives a child support collection on the current monthly obligation that exceeds the TANF grant, the excess is sent to the client.
Fixed Income
Unearned income which does not vary.
Fleeing Felon
An individual fleeing to avoid prosecution, confinement after
conviction, or violating a condition of probation or parole is ineligible to receive benefits.
Fluctuating Income
Income in which the amount varies because of an increase or decrease in hours worked, rate of pay, or inclusion of a bonus.
FNS (Food & Nutrition Service) Authorized Retailer
Food retailer authorized by FNS to accept EBT QUEST benefit cards. Retailers that are authorized should display the QUEST logo and the SNAP Authorization Permit in a conspicuous place in their store.
Good Cause
A term used to indicate that a client had an acceptable reason for not complying with a program requirement.
Hotline (TANF/SNAP/Complaints)
Toll-free number (1-800-252-9330) where staff accept complaints for TANF and SNAP cases. SNAP clients may and do request hearings through this number.
HUD (Housing and Urban Development)
Federal housing agency providing funds to assist needy families/elderly/disabled individuals with housing/shelter costs/ mortgages (e.g., the family pays a percentage of the rent/mortgage based on income).
ICI (Individual Case Identifier) Number
The additional state unique identification number assigned to each NOMADS account.
IDA (Individual Development Account)
The use of Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) are intended to improve the economic independence and stability of individuals and families and to promote and support the transition to economic self- sufficiency. Federal funds match the amount of earnings of low-income working individuals and families. IDA savings are to be used for a first home purchase, post secondary educational expenses, or business capitalization. The Social Security Act provides for the use of State Family Assistance Grant funds, such as, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Welfare-to-Work (WtW) funds to be used to establish IDAs for low-income working individuals and families. The Assets for Independence Act (AFIA) provides for IDAs under Head Start, Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEA) and Community Services. IDAs have been established under WtW and Community Services.
Illegal Noncitizen
A noncitizen living in the United States without proper approval from USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Service) and who has received a final order of deportation.
Defined by the USCIS as an alien who is abandoning their residence in a foreign country to live in the United States as a permanent or temporary legal resident.
Inaccessible Resources
Resources not legally available to the client.
Incapacitated (INCAP)
Individuals temporarily unable through illness/injury to make decisions, be in attendance at interview, or sign documents. Also applies to an individual determined to be incapacitated/disabled to work by a certified physician/ physicians, Social Security, Administration, Veteran’s Administration, Voc Rehab or any other agency utilizing Social Security criteria.
An individual who has been declared permanently or on a long-term basis to be incapable of making legally binding decisions due to physical/mental illness injury. This term also applies to minor children unable to make legally binding decisions until they are an adult. Statements from certified physicians, Social Workers, Voc Rehab counselors, Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, etc., court orders, and observation are means of verifying incompetence.
In-kind Contribution
Any gain or benefit to a person which is not in the form of money payable directly to the client such as clothing, public housing, or food.
Inquiry (TANF/SNAP/Medicaid)
Toll-free number (1-800-252-9330) where clients may call and inquire about their case, benefit mail date, and amount of benefits.
Institution of Higher Education
One which usually requires a high school diploma or equivalency certificate such as GED to enter. (E.g., business, technical, trade, beauty or vocational school, or enrolled in regular curriculum at a college or university that offers degree programs regardless of whether a high school diploma is required. This includes correspondence and off-campus home-study enrollment.)
Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
Purposeful or willful misstatement of information by a client to receive more benefits than they are entitled to.
Enables cardholders to be able to use their EBT cards nationwide.
Investigations and Recovery (I&R)
Unit responsible for investigations, recovery of overpayments, prosecution, Medicaid Estate Recovery (MER).
Job Search
A SNAP Employment and Training program component requiring participants to make inquires to at least ten prospective employers over a two-month period of time.
(Changed to Workforce Investment Act of 1998) Job Training Partnership Act is a federal program offering job training. JTPA replaced the CETA program.
Kinship Care
A Non-Needy Relative Caregiver (NNRC) age 62 or older, has exercised parental care and control of a child in their home for a minimum of six consecutive months, has filed for and obtained Nevada state or tribal court approval of legal guardianship and has complied with the requirement imposed by the court.
Legal Parents
Mother, by having given birth to the child, or by proof of adoption;
father, by proof of adoption, legal document, court adjudication, or his Declaration of Paternity.
Legal Requirements
The nonfinancial eligibility requirements for a TANF child such as age, relationship, domicile, citizenship, and SSN.
Legally Obligated Child Support
Court ordered or legally recorded document requiring the payments of child support to be made in the form of cash, medical, or to a third party. The official document indicates who the support is paid to and for, the frequency, and the amount of payment.
Loan Program
Eligible households will receive a payment designed to meet the family’s needs until an anticipated future source of income is received. Each eligible adult household member must have a reasonable expectation of a future source of income in order for the repayment of the loan. For example, an applicant pending SSI may receive Loan benefits which will be required to be paid back upon approval and receipt of SSI benefits. All adults must read and sign a Recipient Repayment Agreement to acknowledge the loan program requirements, including repayment upon receipt of the anticipated income.
ABAWDs (Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents [Children])
Individuals ages 18 through 49 years of age who are physically and mentally fit for employment and required to meet work participation requirements.
Lump Sum Payment
A financial settlement which often involves funds accumulated over an extended period of time.
Managed Care Health Plans
Primary managed health care given through specified medical providers. Recipients must enroll in the health plans or receive regular Medicaid coverage.
Managed Health Care Plans
Expanded health care services/choices for Medicaid recipients.
The way a household manages its expenses with available income.
Managing Conservator
A person designated by a court to have daily legal responsibility for a child.
State-paid insurance for low income eligible individuals, families, pregnant women and children.
Medicaid Card
An account card provided to approved Medicaid client(s) to use for allowable and necessary medical services.
Medicaid Enrolled Health Plan (Primary Care Network/PCN)
The Medicaid Enrolled Health Plan is an alternative to the regular Medicaid program. When a recipient enrolls, they may only use doctors at the Health Plan facility. The Health Plan does not limit necessary doctor visits and prescriptions. Note: List care is available only by referral.
Medical Support
The non-custodial parent may be ordered to obtain health insurance for their children who receive TANF/Medicaid when it is available at a reasonable cost. Available at a reasonable cost is usually defined as being available through the employer. The medical support may be court-ordered as a cash payment. If the children are on assistance, Medicaid will intercept the payments to offset Medicaid expenditures. Direct cash medical support is budgetable income.
Medicare Part D
A federal program to subsidize the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries.
Migrant Farm Worker
Farm workers who are presently employed away from their permanent residence or home base.
Minor Child
For TANF, a person under 18 years old.
Minor Parent
An individual who is under the age of 18, has never been married, andis pregnant or the natural parent of a dependent child.
Mixed Households
A SNAP household consisting of some members who are certified for TANF, or a combination of TANF and SSI, and some who are not.
Monthly Obligation
The amount of child support which the non-custodial parent has been ordered to pay each month.
NCP (Non-custodial Parent)
Parent absent from the home or the parent without custody.
Nevada QUEST Card
This is Nevada’s EBT card. It is a plastic debit card with the QUEST logo and PAN on the front. A magnetic strip on the back allows the client access to their account when connected with a four-digit secret PIN.
Non-Needy Relative Caregiver (NNRC)
Someone not receiving assistance/benefits. (See Relative Caregiver)
Notice of Decision (NOD)
Notice sent to advise the TANF/CHAP/MEDICAID/SNAP household of a case decision.
Notice of Expiration (NOE)
Notice sent to advise the SNAP household benefits will expire/end.
NPA Household
Non-public assistance households in which no one receives TANF or only some of the members receive TANF.
100% of Needs Standard
TANF maximum income test applied to applicants/ recipients.
185% of Federal Poverty Income Level
Transitional Medicaid test on 4th, 7th and 10th month Medicaid reports.
The amount of benefits issued in excess of what should have been issued.
A person to whom the TANF benefit is issued if no one in the household qualifies or wants to be a caregiver. The payee must be within the required degree of relationship.
Payment Allowance
The maximum grant amount provided by DWSS. See manual section C-100.
Pending Case
A case in which the application has been registered and an eligibility determination has not been made.