Definitions Flashcards
Accompanied baggage
Baggage travelling on the same aircraft as the passenger
passenger who has attained his/her 12th birthday, paying the full applicable fare.
is a term for airlines that have grouped together – formed an alliance- to give them a stronger identity and larger market share.
Apex fares
Reduced fares available on many routes. The fares must be purchased a certain number of days before travelling and normally have many restrictions.
term used to represent the number of seats remaining for purchase.
which is equivalent to the term “Luggage”, means such articles, effects and other personal property of a passenger as are necessary or appropriate for wear, use, comfort or convenience in connection with his trip. Unless otherwise specified, it includes both checked and unchecked baggage.
Baggage check
labels, issued by carrier as a receipt for passengers checked baggage.
Baggage tag
means a document issued by carrier solely for identification of checked baggage, the baggage (strap) tag portion of which is attached by carrier to a particular article of checked baggage and the baggage (identification)tag portion of which is given to the passenger.
Billing settlement plan (BSP)
an IATA payment system, simplifying the selling, reporting and remitting procedures between the airlines and the IATA accredited travel agents.
either in one or in the other direction between two given places or areas.
Boarding pass
card given to passenger before boarding an aircraft. It indicates that all check-in procedures have been completed and specifies the class of service and seat allocation.
Booking form
A form completed by the travel agent, giving full information about the customer. It contains a full statement about what is being purchased and may include a liability clause to be read, understood and signed. (This information might be noted and registered in electronic reservation systems in form of a Passenger Name Record (PNR).)
A vertical wall or partition of the passenger’s cabin
is part of the inside of the aircraft. On most aircraft there are separate cabins for First Class travelers and Business Class travelers and one or more cabins for Economy Class travelers.
Cabotage fare
Special reduced fares known as “Cabotage Fares” are available but only to the nationals of the territories of the same sovereign state.
Cancellation charge
A fee charged to a customer who cancels a booking.
Which is equivalent to the term “transportation”, means carriage of passengers, baggage and/or cargo by air, gratuitously of for hire.
is another term for the airline or company that operates flights from one airport to another. The term is used in many legal statements.
Means an amount to be paid for carriage of goods or excess baggage based on the applicable rate for such carriage; or an amount to be paid for a special or incidental service in connection with the carriage of a passenger or baggage.
To hire by contract, the complete and exclusive use of a vehicle, aircraft or ship.The term often refers to flights operated by tour companies to resort or popular holiday destinations during high season
is both the action and the part of the airport where the traveler starts their air journey. Formalities completed before boarding the flight.
Checked baggage
Baggage given to the airline by the passenger to be carried in the baggage compartment of the aircraft.
A passanger from 2 to 12 years old, paying a child’s fare
City terminal
: An airline ticket office, other than the airport, where a passenger may check-in for a flight, receive seat assignment, check-in baggage, and obtain ground transportation to the airport.
Class of service
is a term that indicates which part of the plane the traveler will sit in.
Code share
A single flight on which space is shared and sold by two or more airlines. A ticket may be issued under the code of either airline and the flight may have two or more flight numbers.
Amount of money, usually determined as a percentage of the sale price and paid to a travel agent by carriers and other suppliers for the sale of air transportation and other services.
Means a computerized system containing information about schedules, availability, fares and related services, and through which reservations can be made and/or tickets issued.
Conditions of contract
Means the terms and conditions shown on the passenger ticket and baggage check.
The seat arrangements of the aircraft.
Confirmed reservation
Oral or written statement by a hotel, restaurant, airline or other supplier that the request for a reservation has been received and will be honored
Conjunction ticket
two or more tickets concurrently issued to a passenger and which constitute together a single contract of carriage.
Connecting carrier
Means a carrier to whose services the passenger and his baggage are to be transferred for onward connecting transportation.
Includes death, injury, delay, loss, partial loss or other damage of whatsoever nature arising out of or in connection with carriage .
(a) reservations' : the minimum number of days/months before departure by which reservations must be completed.
payment’ : the minimum number of days/months before departure by which full payment must be made.
(c) `ticketing’: the minimum number of days/months before departure by which ticketing must be completed
Means the ultimate end point according to the contract of carriage
Direct flight
Flight between two predetermined points that does not require a passenger to change planes, although there may be intermediate stops.
A flight that takes off from one airport in a country and lands in another airport in the same country. New York to Los Angeles is a domestic flight as both airports are in the USA. (The term is used to separate domestic flights from international flights.)
Electronic ticket
The system by which passengers can travel without holding a conventional ticket. Their details are stored on a computer system : on reaching their departure point and identifying themselves, passengers will be given authority to check-in.
To move down a passenger involuntarily to a lower grade class of service.
Authority from an airline to transfer a transportation document (air ticket or flight coupon) to another airline.
Estimated time of arrival
Time when a carrier (usually referring to an aircraft) is expected to reach a location or destination; also used to refer to the time a guest or group is expected to arrive at a hotel or other location.
Estimated time of departure
Time at which a carrier (usually referring to an aircraft) is expected to depart ; also used to refer to the time a guest or group is expected to leave a hotel or other location.
Excess baggage
Means that part of baggage which is in excess of the baggage which may be carried free of charge.
Excursion fare
is a economy return fare, cheaper than full economy fares and more expensive than Apex and Pex fares. They will have minimum and maximum stay rules, but some changes to dates may be made.
means the amount charged by the carrier for the carriage of a passenger and his allowable free baggage.
Fare basis
The type of fare used for a particular ticket and the code that indicates this.
Fare calculation point
a point in fare calculation where one fare ends and another fare begins.
Flight coupon
Means that portion of the ticket that bears the notation “good for passage” and indicates the particular places between which the passenger is entitled to be carried.
Flight number
Specific designation of a flight expressed in letters and figures and consisting of the airline designator (two-character or three-character code) and of the number of the flight operated (one to four-digit number, i.e AA99).
Free baggage allowance
means the baggage which may be carried without payment of a charge in addition to the fare.
Freedoms of the air
Traffic rights bilaterally arranged between various nations, agreement of the Chicago convention.
application in one direction between two given points.
International arrival/departure point in a country.
General sales agent
A travel intermediary who becomes an appointed exclusive distributor for a particular region or country. Usually acts as that product’s full representative and get an overriding commission for meeting sales targets and servicing sales agents.
A potential revenue passenger who presents himself at a designated check-in location and who is prepared to accept space subject to availability
Group size
the `minimum group size’ means the minimum number of passengers required to form a group in order to qualify for the fare.
Inaugural flights
operation of an air service over an entirely new route;
operation of an air service over an existing route with an extension at either the origin and/or destination points;
operation of an air service to a new intermediate point;
or operation of a new type of aircraft different from that previously operated by the carrier on the route.
Inclusive tour
A tour at a flat rate including air fare, accommodation, transfers, sightseeing, etc., but not necessarily covering all costs.
a passenger under 2 years of age, paying 10% of the applicable fare (or no fare between certain areas in Area 1).
transfer between any service of one airline to the service of another airline.
Intermediate class
Means a class of service with seating standards which may be superior to those provided economy/tourist class, but less liberal than standards provided in first class.
International date line
Imaginary line at approximately 1800 latitude in the Pacific Ocean where the earth’s day begins by international agreement; eastbound crossing passengers gain a day, westbound passengers lose a day when crossing the date line.
Issuing carrier
Is the airline whose ticket is issued or in whose name a ticket is issued.