Definitions Flashcards
Acknowledge Student Power
I can’t make you
Establishing Consequences
Prior to disruption, conséquences are established
Grandma’s Rule
When you eat you dinner, then you may have dessert
I-Message Plus
I feel X when you do Y, and your classmates feel Z. Can you think of a better choice?
Language of Choice
Your choice is X or Y
Make a Better Choice
I want you to think of a better choice you could make right now
Picture it Right
If you were at your best right now, how would it look?
Have you done X yet?
Stop! Look! Listen!
Restructure the Task
Let’s take this part a step at a time
Right Now Validation
Right now you are feeling X. That’s ok but what you need to do is Y
Table the Matter
Let’s give this a rest for now. We can talk about it when we are both calm
Target, Stop, Do
Name, right now, you are doing X. You need to be doing Y
To You… To Me
To you this lesson may be boring, to me it is important because
Just Consequences
Appropriate and linked
Four Types of Consequences
Loss of activity, interaction, access
Responsible thinking