Definitions Flashcards
Clinical Epidemiology
- the basic science of EBM
- study of distribution and determinants of health related states and events in specified populations, and the application of this study to control of health problems
- using scientific methods to make predictions/improve pt outcomes
- epidemiological concepts change over time (biostatistic concepts do not)
The 5 D’s
Death: bad outcome if untimely
Disease: set up symptoms, physical signs, lab abnormalities
Discomfort: symptoms such as pain, nausea, dyspnea, etc
Disability: impaired ability to go about usual activities
Dissatisfaction: emotional reaction to disease and its care
Prevalence vs. Incidence
P: current cases of outcome, proportion of total cases to total pop; burden of disease (how widespread the outcome is)
I: new cases, reflects risk of getting the disease; when time is in numerator is incidence rate
Point Prevalence vs Period Prevalence
Point: time period is instantaneous
Period: longer time periods (but time not in the denominator)
Cumulative Incidence
proportion of group that develops disease over a given period of time
= # new cases/# people at risk of developing disease over defined time
Incidence Rate and Incidence Density
IR: rate at which new disease has occurred in the population at risk per some unit time
ID: refers to IR in dynamic, changing pop in which ppl are under study and at risk for varying periods of time; number of cases over person-years
IR (ID) = # new cases/total time experienced by the pop at risk
Systematic vs. Random Error
systematic: bias, compounding, within the study design, sometimes unavoidable; can differential (misclassification unevenly) or non-differential (bias toward the null)
random: occurs due to variations in people, in their responses; non-differential (ex: misclassification)
(epidemic curve)
increase in incidence of a disease in a community or region
O: small, in limited region, P: crosses many international boundaries
(a plot of the distribution of cases over time)
the constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a geographic area or pop
Absolute Risk, Absolute Risk Difference
AR = Incidence (I) ARD = Iexposed - Iunexposed; describes someone's increased risk for a particular disease
Relative Risk
RR = Iexposed / Iunexposed
- evaluates the strength of an association btwn exposure and disease; relative to all other cases
- aka risk ratio
- value of 1 = no difference, >1 = greater risk,
Random vs Probability Samples
R: every person has an equal chance of being sampled
P: every person has a known, though not necessarily equal, chance of being sampled; can weight the sample toward some low frequency groups of interest
Relative Risk
ratio of incidence in unexposed group to incidence in exposed group
Random Error vs Bias
- random errors likely to cancel each other out as # of measurements increases (i.e. bigger sample size); bias will not
- chance more likely to lead to type ii error; bias more likely to lad to type i
- must meet three rules:
1) must be associated with exposure
2) must be independently associated with outcome
3) must not be within a causal pathway btwn the exposure and the disease - distorts the association btwn exposure and outcome; Type I Error if distorts toward strengthening association; Type II Error if distorts toward weakening association