Definitions Flashcards
ADL (activities of daily living)
Daily self-care activities. Used as a functional measuremant of disability.
Birth rate
Number of live births in a population over a given period of time
Clinical Effectiveness
The degree to which an organisation is ensuring ‘best practice’, based on evidence of effectiveness.
The process of managing stress
Critical Appraisal
Careful and critical examination of research to judge its trustworthiness, value, and relevance.
A system of shared ideas, concepts, rules, and meanings that underlie and are expressed in the way that people live
Death rate
Summary rate based on the proportion of the population that dies in a specific time period
A physiological or psychological dysfunction. Unlike an illness it is the same biological process in every sufferer
Disease prevention
A group of people defined by cultural practices and outlooks. Such things as common language, customs, beliefs, and traditions.
Think more about the social implications. Different behaviours and interactions etc.
Something with the potential to cause harm
Health promotion
The process of enabling people to take control over, and to improve, their health.
A persons experience or subjective notion of being ill.
Number of new cases of a disease in a population in a given period of time. Tells a lot about trends in causation and aetiology.
Infant mortality rate
Rate of deaths of children
Life expectancy at birth
Average number of years a newborn can be expected to live if current trends continue
Morbidity rate
Incidence of non fatal cases of disease in a given period
Perinatal mortality rate
All stillbirths and deaths in the first week of life as a proportion of all live and still births over a time period
Number of people in a population with a specific disease at a point in time or a defined period of time.
Quality of life
General wellbeing of individuals and societies.
Measure of disease burden , assessing both quality and quantity of life. It is used to determine whether certain treatments are cost effective.
A group of people linked by biological or genetic factors
Likelihood of harm occurring
A person’s belief in their ability to succeed in or manage a situation
Biological characteristics of men and women
Social class
Social stratification based on occupation
Which social class would a skilled manual worker be in?
Which social class would an unskilled worker be in?
Which social class would a professional fall into?
Into which social class would someone of a managerial or technical occupation be placed?
Which social class is made up of skilled non-manual workers?
Which social class is comprised of partly skilled manual labourers?
The body’s response to demands/pressure placed on it
The sick role
The social role of temporary, medically sanctioned sickness