Definitions Flashcards
Sec.4 Policing Act 2008
A police employee who -
(a) hold the office of constable (whether appointed as a constable under the Police Act 1958 or this Act) and
(b) includes a constable who holds any level of position within the New Zealand Police.
Sec.2 Arms Act 1983
Means any firearm that is designed or adapted to be held & fired with one hand; & includes any firearm that is less than 762 millimetres in length.
Restricted Weapon
Sec.2 Arms Act 1983
Means any weapon, whether a firearm or not, declared by the Governor-General, by Order in Council made under Sec.4 of this Act, to be a restricted weapon.
Any rupture of the tissues of the body, internal or external, can amount to a wound & whether or not it does is a matter of fact for determination in each case.
In practical terms it will involve mutilating, crippling or disabling a part of the body so as to deprive the victim of the use of a limb or of one of the senses.
Means to deform or deface; to mar or alter the figure or appearance of a person.
A disfigurement results from the infliction of an external injury that detracts from the personal appearance of the victim, however it does not need to be permanent.
Grievous Bodily Harm
Harm that is really serious.
Sec.2 C.A 61
Assault means the act of intentionally applying or attempting to apply force to the person of another, directly or indirectly, or threatening by any act or gesture to apply such force to the person of another, if the person making the threat has, or causes the other to believe on reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose.
Claim of Right
Sec.2 C.A 61
In relation to any act means a belief at the time of the act in a proprietary or possessory right in property in relation to which the offence is alleged to have been committed, although that belief may be based on ignorance or mistake of fact, or of any matter of law other than the enactment against which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
Sec.218 C.A.61
In relation to any act or omission, means done or omitted without a belief that there was express implied consent to, or authority for, the act or omission from a person entitled to give such consent or authority.
Can include restricting a person’s movements to within a geographical area; curtailing their activity & exercising control & influence over them.
Has a narrower meaning than confine. To put in prison or confine as if in prison, e.g. lock in a room or car boot.
To engage in a marriage solemnised in accordance with the Marriage Act 1955.
Violence (Robbery)
In the context of robbery, violence must involve more than a minimal degree of force & more than a technical assault, but need not involve the infliction of bodily injury.
Injurious substance or device
This covers a range of things, capable of causing harm to a person.
Explain ‘uses in any manner whatever’ in the context of firearms offences Sec.198A C.A.61
This includes a range of acts that stop short of actually discharging the firearm or shooting at a police officer.