Definitions Flashcards
What is the definition of accommodation?
An inclusive approach that allows religious or ethnic groups to maintain their distinctive cultures within mainstream society.
What is the definition of absolutism?
A political system in which power and the right to rule belong exclusively to the social elite.
What is the definition of acculturation?
Change as a result of contact with other cultural groups.
What is the definition of anti-globalization?
The perspective of individuals and groups opposed to global trade agreements and their negative consequences for people in less developed countries, for the environment, and for peace.
What is the definition of apartheid?
A policy of the South African Government from 1948 to 1990 that denied rights to non-white citizens.
What is the definition of arable land?
Land that is good for farming.
What is the definition of agribusiness?
Large-scale agriculture businesses, such as factory farms or feedlots.
What is the definition of aboriginal multimedia society (AMMSA)?
Canadian-based aboriginal communication society that uses Internet, radio, and print media to promote aboriginal cultures.
What is the definition of aboriginal peoples television network (APTN)?
Aboriginal Canadian television network that produces programming by and for aboriginal peoples.
What is the definition of arbitrary detention?
Depriving an individual of liberty without just cause.
What is the definition of assembly of First Nations (AFN)?
The national representative organization of the first nations in Canada.
What is the definition of assimilation?
The absorption of a minority group by a dominant group.
What is the definition of austerity programs?
Economic programs that aim to reduce government debt by increasing taxes and cutting social programs.
What is the definition of bias?
And inclination that makes it hard to judge fairly.
What is the definition of biodegradable?
Capable of being decomposed by bacteria, thus reducing environmental pollution.
What is the definition of boycott?
A consumer’s refusal to purchase goods or services from a company because of disagreement with its corporate policies.
What is the definition of Brettonwoods agreement?
An agreement forged after the second world war in Brettonwoods New Hampshire, by 44 countries to establish a system of rules, institutions, and procedures for the postwar global economy.
What is the definition of Canadian audiovisual certification office (CAVCO)?
The agency that judges Canadian content in Canada’s broadcasting industry.
What is the definition of Canadian broadcasting Corporation (CBC)?
Canada’s national Anglophone public broadcaster of television and radio programming.
What is the definition of Canadian content (CanCon)?
The amount of Canadian participation in Canada’s broadcasting industry in areas such as direction, writing, performance, cinematography, music composition, and so on.
What is the definition of Canadian international development agency (CIDA)?
Government agency responsible for administering foreign aid programs in less developed countries.
What is the definition of Canadian radio and television commission (CRTC)?
The public authority that regulates and promotes Canadian culture in the broad cast media.
What is the definition of Canadien(ne)?
Francophones living in North America. In use mid-17th century until the early 20th century as an expression of national identity.
What is the definition of capital intensive production?
Manufacturing in which most work is done by machinery.
What is the definition of capitalism?
An economic system for increasing individual wealth requiring a relatively free market, open competition, the profit motive, and at least some private ownership of the means of production.
What is the definition of cartel?
A group of individuals or companies who combine forces to control the supply and pricing of a good or service.
What is the definition of cartelize?
To combine forces for the purpose of controlling the supply and pricing of a good or service.
What is the definition of a centrally planned economic system?
A system under which government planners decide what goods to produce and how many.
What is the definition of civil rights?
The right to freedom of opinion and expression.
What is the definition of the Cold War?
A global economic and political competition, from 1946 to 1989, that divided the communist countries, led by the Soviet Union, against the Western capitalist democracies, led by the United States.
What is the definition of collective rights?
The combination of beliefs, values, view of history, and language of a people.
What is the definition of a colony?
A territory that belonged to a European country, was ruled by the European government or its representatives, and was completely subject to that European country.
What is the definition of common market?
An agreement between or among countries that include the free trade of goods and services and the free movement of capital and labor within the trading bloc.
What is the definition of communism?
A planned economic system in which government owns all means of production and all people work for government owned and government run enterprises.
What is the definition of comparative advantage?
A country’s ability to produce a product or service with comparatively fewer resources that another country.
What is the definition of conservation plans?
Strategies to protect and preserve resources.
What is the definition of convention on the rights of the child?
1990 international legislation outlining children’s rights, which recognizes that all children have the right to grow up in a family environment in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding, and in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality, and solidarity.
What is the definition of cooperatives?
Businesses owned jointly by their members, who share the profits equally.
What is the definition of cosmopolitan?
Reflecting many diverse cultures; worldly, sophisticated.
What is the definition of cottage industries?
And early-stage of economic development in which workers produce a limited numbers of good in their home.
What is the definition of criterion?
A measure by which to judge something or make a decision.
What is the definition of Crown corporations?
Government owned companies in Canada.
What is the definition of cultural contacts?
The interaction of diverse cultures and perspectives which may result in changes in values, beliefs, and traditions.
What is the definition of cultural revitalization?
A process through which unique cultures regain a sense of identity such as through promoting heritage languages or reviving traditions and customs.
What is the definition of cultural rights?
The right to participate in the cultural life of a community, including at arts and sciences, and the right to speak your first language.
What is the definition of deforestation?
The destruction of forest by clearing or burning as a result of economic development, such as building roads or conversion to crop land, or through changes in earths vegetation due to global warming.
What is the definition of democracy?
A political system in which the law applies equally to all people; that holds free, fair, and frequent elections of candidates from at least two parties, house in an independent court system; and permits the press and other media to function free of government control.
What is the definition of demographics?
Facts and figures related to populations, for example, the number of males and females who live in an area.
What is the definition of depopulation?
The reduction of a population because of conflict, disease, loss of resources, cultural change, or assimilation.
What is the definition of deregulation?
Opening and industry two more competition by removing government regulations.
What is the definition of desalination?
Removal of salt from seawater, converting it to freshwater.
What is the definition of desertification?
The spreading of deserts as a result of poor agricultural practices, droughts, and climate change due to global warming.
What is the definition of direct business model?
I sale system that bypasses retail stores and sells its products directly to customers.
What is the definition of disaggregated?
Divided into parts, as, for example, the first nations were divided from one another by the Indian act.
What is the definition of disparity?
Economic and social gaps among individuals, communities, or countries.
What is the definition of displacement?
The involuntary dispersal of the people, especially from their homeland.
What is the definition of dissenting?
Different from the majority, as, for example, an opinion.
What is the definition of economic?
The dimension of life that concerns the production and exchange of goods, services, money, and resources.
What is the definition of economic nationalism?
Concern about the impact of foreign investment on a country’s economic independence and identity.
What is the definition of economic rights?
The right to fair wages and safe working conditions.
What is the definition of employment equity?
The principle of equal pay for equal work, or for work of equal value.
What is the definition of empowerment?
Increasing the political, social, or economic strength of individuals or groups.
What is the definition of entrepreneurs?
People who take risks by launching business ventures in the hope of making a profit.
What is the definition of equality rights?
The right to be free from discrimination.
What is the definition of equalization payments?
Tax money collected from all provinces by the federal government and then dispensed to distribute wealth more equally through Canada.
What is the definition of Eurocentrism?
The belief that the European world view is superior to all others.
What is the definition of European Union?
The world’s largest and most powerful common market, which worked to develop common foreign and security policies and to address other issues such as citizens rights, job creation, regional development, and environmental protection.
What is the definition of exchange rate?
The price at which one national currency can be purchased for another.
What is the definition of exploitation?
The use of a person or group for selfish purposes.
What is the definition of first language?
The first language a person learns as a child.
What is the definition of First Nations policing policy?
Policy put into effect by the Canadian government in June 1991, to improve the relationship between aboriginal people and police by promoting safe and secure communities and providing first Nations people across Canada with professional, effective, culturally appropriate police services that are accountable to the communities they serve.
What is the definition of fixed exchange rate?
The value of a country’s currency as set by its government.
What is the definition of floating exchange rates?
Currency rates that are not fixed by government but instead find their own value on the foreign exchange market.