Definitions Flashcards
Portion of sample
Often an equally divided portion of a sample
Ambient temperature
Temperature of surrounding air
Method of measurement that records electronic current flowing or generated, rather than recording voltage.
Amperometric titration
Means of measuring concentrations of certain substances in water
condition in which free or dissolved oxygen is present in water
Anaerobic (Septic)
condition in which free or dissolved oxygen is not present in water
tank in which sludge is placed to allow decomposition by microorganisms.
Anaerobic or aerobic condition
Community Wastewater System
A public system with at least 15 service connections or 5000 gallons of wastewater per day
Must be operated by certified operators
Any substance which tends to produce cancer in an organism
Facultative Bacteria
Can use either DO or O2 or oxygen obtained from compounds such as sulfate and nitrate ions
They can live under aerobic or anaerobic conditions
Indicator (chemical)
A substance that gives a visible change, usually of color, at a desired point in a chemical reaction, at a specific endpoint.
the most common type of treatment pond used to treat domestic wastewater (facultative pond).
The upper portion is aerobic, bottom layer is anaerobic.
Algae supply most of the oxygen in aerobic layer
Percent saturation
The amour of substance that is dissolved in solution compared with amount that could be dissolved in the solution
Percent Saturation
(amount of substance that is dissolved)(100%)/(amount that could be dissolved in solution)
indication of corrosiveness of water (pH, Alkalinity, Hardness
the process designed to kill or inactivate most microorganisms in water
wastewater or other liquid, raw or partially treated, flowing INTO a reservoir, basin, treatment process or treatment
Wastewater, raw or partially treated, flowing OUT of reservoir, basin treatment process or treatment plant
Organic compound
Substances that come from animal or plant sources. Organic substances always contain carbon (C)
Inorganic compounds
Material such as sand, salt, iron, calcium salts and other minerals
Hydrologic Cycle
the process of evaporation of water into the air and the return to earth by precipitation (rain, snow)
Representative sample
a sample portion of material or water that is as nearly identical in content and consistency as possible to that in the large body of material or water being sampled
Liquid removed from settled sludge
Abbreviation for Surface-active agent.
the active agent in detergents that possesses a high cleaning ability
water-borne disease
diseases that are caused by biological life forms (baster, viruses) carried by water
Ex: Typhoid Fever, Dyssentery, Polio, Hepatitis
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Preliminary Treatment
The removal of rocks, rags, sand, eggshells, and other heavy materials by screen/grit removal systems
Primary Treatment
A wastewater treatment process in which those substances in wastewater that readily settle of float are separated from water being treated
Secondary Treatment
A wastewater treatment process used to convert dissolved and suspended materials into a form more readily separated from the water being treated. This process is commonly a type of biological treatment process.
Sludge (Biosolids)
The settleable solid separated from liquid during the processing of wastewater
To convert to a form that can resist changes. Organic material is stabilized by microorganisms which covert the material to gasses and other substances
Stabilized material
no odor
Tertiary Treatment
Third treatment process following the secondary process.
Processes that remove waste which are not removed by conventional treatment (secondary)
Wastewater Collection System (sanitary sewer system)
a network of pipes and equipment intended to carry wastewater from homes, business, and industries to treatment facilities
Water Pollution
any change in the natural state of water which interferes with its beneficial reuse or causes failure to meet water quality requirements
Average wastewater production per person per day
70-100 gpd
Average water usage per person per day
100-130 gpd/person