Definitions Flashcards
Active Construction Area
The area where the construction INTENDS to be actively involved in soil disturbing work.
Outward growth of bank or shore by sedimentation. Increase or extension of boundaries of land by action or natural forces.
General progressive rising of a streambed by deposition of sediment.
Refers to the corrosive properties of soil and water.
Referring to deposits of silt, sands, gravels, and similar detrital material that have been transported by running water.
Stream-borne materials deposited in and along the channel.
A floor or lining of concrete, rock, ect., to protect a surface from erosion.
(1) A major conduit. (2) the entire transmission source for municipal water supply. (3) Any conduit for a large quantity of flowing water. (4) A structure for conveying a canal over the river.
Artificial surfacing of beds, banks, shore, or embankment to resist erosion.
A waterway of an ephemeral stream deeply carved in rock or ancient alluvium.
Artesian Waters
Percolating waters confined below impermeable formations with sufficient pressure to spring or well up to the surface.
Made flexible by hinging, particularly of small rigid slabs adapted to revetment.
(1) A forcible separation; or torn off part. (2) A sudden transfer in land from one property to another, as by change in a river. (3) A sudden shift channel location.