Definitions Flashcards
What is a strategy?
A plan for obtaining a specific goal or result
What is health?
**Health is a condition if well being free of disease or infirmity and a basic universal human right **
(Saracci, BMJ, 1997)
A state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1948)
What is the definition of oral health?
Oral health is a standard of health of the oral and related tissues which enables an individual to eat, speak and socialise without active disease, discomfort or embarrassment and which contributes to general well-being
(Department of health 1994)
What is the definition of public health?
“The science and art of preventing disease, prolinging life and promoting health through organised efforts of society”
Acheson 1988
What is the biomedical model of health?
A model which focuses on individuals with increasing understanding of disease processes
It is disease related with a focus on patholigical change
What is water fluoridation?
This is the controlled addition of a fluoride compound into a public water supply in order to bring the fluoride concentration to a level that prevents dental decay
What is iatrogenic disease?
An inadvertant adverse affect or complication resulting from medical treatment
What is the difference between morbidity and mortality?
**Morbidity - **refers to the diseased state of an individual
**Mortality - **refers to the incidence of death
What is the definition of Epidemiology?
Epidemiology is the study of the patterns, causes and effects of health and disease conditions in a defined population
What is a clinical iceberg?
It relates to the individulas that seek medical help for a particular condition, compared to those that experience symtoms and have not yet help and those who are diseased but not yet aware as they don’t have symtoms
What is meant by rate?
The number of events, cases or deaths in a time period, divided by the population in that same time period
What is incidence?
The number of new cases in a population in a defined time period
What is prevelance?
The number of individuals with a disease/condition within a population at any one time
How can we measure the social and psychological impact of a condition on an individual?
Social and psychological impacts can be measured using quality of life indicies. Health-relateed quality of life measures the impact of a disease on the individual rather than the specific clinical measures often used. The impact of different diseased states can then be compared.
What is health promotion?
The processess of enabling individuals to increase control over and to improve their health