Definitions Flashcards
What three things make up the epidemiologic triad?
Model of infectious dz causation has three components:
- an agent
- a susceptible host
- an environment (brings 1 and 2 together)
What is infectivity?
ability of an infectious agent to cause infection.
Measured as proportion of animals exposed to an infectious agent that become infected
Ability of an agent to cause disease after infection
Measured as the proportion of animals infected by an agent that then experience clinical disease
ability of an infectious agent to cause severe disease
Measured as the proportion of animals with the disease that become severely ill or die
Incubation period
Time interval from exposure to an infectious agent to the onset of symptoms of an infectious disease
Latency period
Time interval from exposure to an infectious agent to the onset of becoming infectious
Difference between isolation and quarantine
Isolation is separating known infectious animal
Quarentine is separation of a potentially harmful animal
Occurrence of more cases of disease, injury, or other health condition than expected in a given area or among a specific group of animals during a specific period.
Cases have common cause or are related in some way
synonomous to epidemic
constant presence of an agent or health condition within a given geographic area or population
can also refer to usual prevalence of an agent or condition
Occurence of more cases of disease, injury, or other health condition than expected in a given area or among a specific group of animals during a particular period
Epidemic occuring over a widespread area (multiple countries or continents) and usually affecting a substantial proportion of the population
Outbreak, common source
results from hosts being exposed to the same agent. Exposure period can be brief or can extend over days, weeks, or longer with exposure being either intermittent or continuous
Outbreak, point source
common source outbreak in which the exposure period is relatively brief so all cases occur w/in one incubation period
Outbreak, propagated
Outbreak that spreads from host to host rather than from a common source
Attack rate
Proportion of animals in a population that experience acute health event during a limited period (e.g. during an outbreak)
Calculated as # of new cases of a health problem during an outbreak divided by the size of the population at the beginning of the period