Definitions Flashcards
Q1: What is the role of an “approved inspection authority”?
An approved inspection authority is an inspection body authorized by the chief inspector to perform specific services.
Define “biological monitoring.”
Biological monitoring is a planned program for collecting and analyzing body fluids, tissues, excreta, or exhaled air to detect and measure exposure to or absorption of substances or organisms.
What constitutes a “building” under the Act?
A “building” includes:
Any structure attached to the soil.
Structures being erected.
Prefabricated buildings or structures not attached to the soil.
Who is considered a “chief executive officer”?
A chief executive officer is the person responsible for the overall management and control of a business in a corporate body or state enterprise.
Define “chief inspector.”
The chief inspector is the officer designated under Section 27 to oversee the administration of the Act.
What is a “danger” as defined in the Act?
A danger is anything that may cause injury or damage to people or property.
Who qualifies as an “employee”?
An employee is any person employed by or working under the supervision or direction of an employer for remuneration.
Define “employer.”
An employer is a person or entity that employs or provides work for others and remunerates them but does not include labor brokers.
What does “hazard” mean?
A hazard is a source of or exposure to danger.
Explain “health and safety committee.”
It is a committee established under Section 19 to address workplace health and safety concerns.
What is “health and safety equipment”?
Any article or part manufactured, provided, or installed to ensure health and safety.
Define “healthy.”
Being free from illness or injury attributable to occupational causes.
What is an “incident”?
An incident is an occurrence defined in Section 24(1) that may result in injury, illness, or damage.
Define “machinery.”
Machinery refers to any article or combination of articles used for converting energy to perform work.
What does “reasonably practicable” mean?
It means practicable considering:
The severity and scope of the hazard.
Available knowledge and means of mitigation.
Suitability and cost of mitigation relative to its benefits.