Definitions Flashcards
Affirmative action
action to further illeviate discrimination
Karl Marx - workers being seperated from their labor, not being able to see what they worked towards finish
ability to make free and deliberate choices
categorical imperative
treat persons as ends and never as means only, treat others as subjects not objects
caveat emptor
buyer beware - buyers have to be informed about what product they are buying
Ethical relativism
ethical judments are realtive to ones culture, society, or personal feelings.
Denies that we can make any judgments and the only way we can is through culture or society
informed consent
the respect that individuals fully understand, and give their voluntary consent to, contractual agreements
instrumental value
the value is based on the results it gets
Marketing Ethics
ethical responsibilities that arise throughout the entire marketing process
a failure to fulfill some legal or ethical duty, place others at an unreasonable risk of harm
informed consent
autonomy and respect that individuals fully understand and consent to contractual agreements
intrinsic value
Intrinsic value is the worth something has on its own, not based on its purpose or results
federal agency is responsible for setting and enforcing workplace health and safety standards
conflict of interest
ethical duties as an employee or proffesional conflict with ones personal interests
cultural relativism
ethical values and beliefs differ among cultures. there can’t be any rational standards not related to cultural beliefs
deontological ethics
philosophy that focuses on rules and duties rather than consequences. Some actions are inherently right or wrong regardless of the outcomes
dependence effect
consumer demand depends on advertising and marketing
due process
right of employees to be protected from unjustified dismissal or discipline
employee rights
the law around what rights employees have
employment at will
employees work at the discretion of employers and can be fired at any time for any reason
environmental pragmatism
environmental policy is more reasonable than agreement on environmental values
equal opportunity
commitment of non discrimination in the workplace
predatory pricing
an item is temporarily priced below the actual cost to drive competitors out of business
preference utilitarianism
satisfaction of individual preferences as the greatest good to be maximized
preferential treatment
granting preference to employees that are a minority
price gouging
the buyer doesn’t have alot of options so the seller takes advantage of this
rights entail obligations and duties because you are provided these rightsq
sexual harassment
sexual or gender discrimination in which people are denied employment because of this
strict products liability
holds manufactures liable for the harms their products cause
sustainable development
meet the needs of the present while not compromising the future
factory that violates health and safety regulations and wage laws
target marketing
sales aimed at a particular group of people but can raise issues when the group is vulnerable ie vaping
three pillars of sustainability
economically, environmentally, ethically satisfactory
looking to the consequences of the act trying to maximize overall good, greatest good for greatest number of people
virtue ethics
looks at character and your virtues to make ethical decisions
insider or employee that informs the public or government of a illegal or harmful unethical activity