Definitions Flashcards
An alleles are alternative forms of genes
Beneficial Mutations
A beneficial mutation is a mutation that in some way increases the survival chances of a species and its success in reproductive, increasing its chances of being passed on
Bottleneck effect
The bottleneck effect is when a population suddenly gets smaller due to a sudden change in the climate such as disease, loss of habitat, and human interaction. This means there is an underrepresentation of alleles in the gene pool.
Co-dominance is when both alleles are expressed equally and independently in the phenotype.
Crossing over
Crossing over is when homologous line up at the cell equator and information is physically swapped. Segments of chromatids break and reattach to the other chromatid.
Dihybrid Cross
A Dihybrid cross is a genetic cross involving two traits.
The inheritance of alleles for 2 different genes on 2 different chromosomes
F1 generation
The first generation of offspring resulting from a cross-mating of distinctly difference parental types
F2 generation
The offspring of a cross between two generations of individuals
Founder effect
The founder effect is when a small group of individuals leave a population and start a new population
Gametic are sex cells - sperm and egg. If a mutation occurs here or in the gonads then the mutation is inheritable.
A section of DNA that codes for a particular trait or characteristic
Gene pool
All of the alleles present in an interbreeding population
Genetic drift
the change of alleles frequency in a gene pool due to chance
Harmful Mutations
Harmful Mutations alter the DNA sequence upsetting the structure and function of the protein they code for.
Homologous Chromosomes
A pair of chromosomes that carry the same genes in the same location.
Incomplete Dominance
Neither allele is completely dominant over the other. The heterozygote shows a blend of the two phenotypes.
Independent assortment
Independent assortment is where the homologous pairs line up randomly during meiosis. Alleles are reshuffled and new combinations of alleles are created.
Lethal allele
Lethal alleles produce a phenotypic effect that causes the dealth of the organism.
Linked genes
Linked genes are genes that are found on the same chromosomes that will most likely be inherited together during meiosis unless separated by crossing over.
The position on the chromosome occupied by a gene.
Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in the ovaries and testes to make gametes for sexual reproduction. Meiosis results in variation due to crossing over, independent assortment, and segregation