Definitions Flashcards
Scaler + examples
Magnitude without direction
e.g. length, area, volume, distance, temperature, energy, work, power, electrical potential, charge, time
A quantity that has (both) magnitude / size and direction
e.g. Displacement, velocity,
acceleration, momentum, force (lift, drag,
thrust, weight), field(s), a.c. voltage, current
(when calculating fields only)
define displacement
(net) distance moved in a particular direction
define instantaneous speed
speed measured between two point a very small time apart
define average speed
distance covered/time taken
define velocity
speed in a given direction
define acceleration
the gradient of a velocity vs time graph ( change in velocity/time taken)
define a newton
The (net) force which gives a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of 1ms^-2
define and apply the moment of force
moment = force x perpendicular distance from pivot/ axis/point
define and apply the torque of a couple
one of forces x perpendicular distance (between forces) (Not force x perpendicular distance )
define thinking distance
the distance traveled (by the car) from when the driver sees a problem and the breaks are applied
define braking distance
Distance traveled (by the car) whilst the brakes are applied and the car stops(wtte)
define stopping distance
Thinking distance +
braking distance
define work done by a force
work done = force x distance moved /
travelled in the direction of the force
define joule
Energy required to move a weight of 1N
(through) a distance of 1 m
define power as the rate of work done
power = work (done)/time or power =
energy/time or power = rate of work done
define a watt
Power required to move 1N through a
distance of 1m in 1 sec (Rate of doing work)
define and use the terms stress
Stress = force/(cross-sectional) area
define and use the term strain
Strain = extension/original length
define and use the term young modulus
Young modulus = stress/strain / Young
modulus is equal to the gradient from stress-strain graph (in the linear region)
define and use the term ultimate tensile strength(breaking stress)
Ultimate tensile strength = Maximum stress
material can withstand (before fracture
define the term elastic deformation of a material
Elastic: extension (or compression)
(as long as elastic limit is not exceeded)
define the term plastic deformation of a material
Plastic: Material does not return to original
length / shape/ size (is permanently
deformed / longer) when the force / stress is