Definitions Flashcards
Law of Floation
A floating body displaces its own weight of the fluid in which it floats
Centre of Gravity (G)
The point in a body where the total weight of the body may be considered to be acting vertically downwards
Centre of Buoyancy (B)
The point in a body where the total force of buoyancy may be considered to be acting vertically upwards
Transverse Metacentre (M)
The point where the verticals through the Centre of Buoyancy at two consecutive angles of heel intersect
Longitudinal Metacentre (ML)
The point of intersection of the verticals through the Centre of Buoyancy when on an even keel and when trimmed
Is a parallel line to that of GZ, drawn from K, then the point of intersection of this line with the vertical line of action of buoyancy, is represented by a N
Transverse Metacentric Height (GM)
The distance in metres between’G’ and ‘M’ measured on the Centreline
The relative positions of ‘G’ and ‘M’ indicates the vessel’s initial stability and it is therefore essential that their position is known. This will be ‘stable’, ‘unstable’ or ‘neutral’ equilibrium, and also if stable whether the vessel will be ‘stiff’ or ‘tender’ (GM can be seen to be an indication of a v/l’s stability)
Righting Lever / Arm (GZ)
The perpendicular (horizontal) distance between ’G’ and the vertical line (buoyancy force) acting through B/B1
Angle of Loll
Is the angle of heel (to port or stbd), at which a v/l comes to rest when she is in an unstable equilibrium when upright (negative GM)
This is the height of ‘M’ above the keel measured in metres
‘KM’ is NOT called the metacentric height
‘KM’ is calculated by the naval architects for the various drafts and then supplied to the ship in tabular form
Stable Equilibrium
A v/l is said to be in stable equilibrium if she returns to her initial position after being inclined by an external force
- ‘G’ must be below ’M’
- the v/l is said to have positive stability
- Δ x GZ is a righting moment
Neutral Equilibrium
A v/l is said to be in neutral equilibrium if after being inclined by some external force she tends to remain in the inclined position
- ‘G’ must coincide with ’M’
- GZ = 0, and therefore Δ x GZ = 0
Unstable Equilibrium
A v/l is said to be in unstable equilibrium if after being inclined by an external force, she tends to heel further
- ‘G’ must be above ’M’
- the v/l is said to have negative stability
- Δx GZ is a capsizing moment
List ( ° / θ / φ )
A v/l is said to be listed when she is inclined due to ’G’ being off the centreline
The difference between the forward and after drafts
Change of Trim
The difference between the original trim and the final trim
Centre of Floatation (CF)
The geometric centre of the v/l’s water-plane
The ‘CF’ is the point about which the v/l trims and it is sometimes called the ‘tipping centre’
In box-shaped c/l’s the ‘CF’ is amidships, but in ship shapes the position will vary with trim and draft
To find the change of trim, moments are taken about the ‘CF’ or large about the AP (After Perp)
Change of Trim = Resultant Trimming Mom (tm) / MCTC
Tender Vessel
A v/l is said to be tender when she has a small moment of statically stability at small angles of heel. In general, a tender v/l will have a small ‘’GM’. When a tender v/l is inclined by external forces, she will tend to return to the upright slowly, and the result is a slow easy roll
- long roll period
- slow
- small righting moment (RM)
Stiff Vessel
A v/l is said to be stiff when she has a large moment of statically stability at small angles of heel. In general, a stiff v/l will have a large ‘’GM’. When a stiff v/l is inclined by external forces, she will tend to return to the upright quickly
- short roll period
- snappy
- large righting moment (RM)
Statical Stability
Is the ability of a v/l to return to her initial position after being forcibly inclined
Dynamical Stability
Is the measure of the work done when the v/l is inclined by external forces
Moment of Statical Stability (MSS) aka Righting Moment (RM)
The measure of the v/l’s ability to return to her initial position after being inclined by some external force such as wind or waves
Mom (MSS) = Δ x GZ
Where ‘M’ is considered fixed ∴ GZ = GM Sinθ
Mom (MSS) = Δ x GM Sinθ
TPC is the number of tonnes to add or remove from a v/l to change the TMD by 1cm
For a v/l’s draft to increase by 1cm then the Δ of the v/l has increased
The increase in Δ equals change (increase in) ▽ x ρ of the fluid in which the v/l is floating (Δ = ▽ x ρ)
- The TPC is directly proportional to the WPA
- the greater the WPA the greater the TPC
For a v/l at any draft, Δ = ▽ x ρ, the greater the density then the greater the TPC
To increase the v/l’s draft by 1cm will take a greater mass in saltwater compared with freshwater
- the TPC is directly proportional to the density (ρ)
Free Surface Effect (FSE)
- FSE is independent of the actual weight of the liquid in the tank, provided the area of free surface in the tank is unchanged
- FSE is independent of the position of the tank in the v/l
- FSE can be reduced to 1/ n2 of its original undivided value by fitting longitudinal divisions in the tank, n = number of spaces
- Moment of Inertia (I) of a rectangular free surface is equal to LB3/12
- If it is decided to improve stability by filling a DB tank, FSE will initially worsen the situation before the increased weight at the bottom is sufficient to bring ‘G’ down
Movement of ‘G’ - Loading a weight ‘W’ at a distance ‘S’ from the v/l’s Centre of Gravity ‘G’
‘G’ moves directly towards the loaded weight
GGH/V = w x s / Δ + w
Movement of ‘G’ - Discharging a weight ‘W’ at a distance ‘S’ from the v/l’s Centre of Gravity ‘G’
‘G’ moves directly away from the discharged weight
GGH/V = w x s / Δ - w
Movement of ‘G’ - Shifting a weight ‘W’ already onboard
‘G’ moves parallel to and in the same direction as the shifted weight
GGH/V = w x s / Δ
What is List φF
It is the angel of heel at which openings in the hull, superstructure or deck-house, which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse
Reasons for a vertical rise in ‘G’
State the immediate effect on a v/l’s stability on the commencing bunkering/ballasting a tank
It will introduce a free surface moment, which results in a reduction of the v/l’s stability
- Virtual rise in ‘G’
- effective GM reduces
- GZ lever reduces
- Righting moment reduces
- Dynamic stability reduces
LL’s - The general principles behind the 1966 Loadline Convention
1 - Adequate reserve buoyancy under normal service conditions
2 - Hull girder strength
3 - Protection of the crew
4 - Subdivision and stability (intact & damaged)
5 - Watertight enclosures of all exposed parts of the ship
6 - Limited deck wetness