Definitions Flashcards
a political ideology according to which the natural environment should be protected
a set of values and believes
tragedy of the commons
collective action problem, people think of their own interests
people don’t act to save resources that are not allocated by markets bc think so else is going to
a metaphor about interactions between different systems
a situation where events, demands and support interact and change in highly variable, inconsistent, unexpected or unpredictable ways
different from crisis
potential sources: systems, patriarchy, neoliberalism, white supremacy, racial capitalism, triggers, technological innovations, env change, legislative changes, geopo conflicts, policy gaps,…
theory and study of being of the nature of reality (What do we know ?, What is real?)
theory and study of knowledge (How do we know what we know?)
importance of empirical observation and scientific methods in understanding the world
reflectivism (post-positivism)
importance of critical self-reflection and introspection in the pursuit of knowledge
critical theory
challenge + critique of existing social structures, power dynamics and forms of oppression, promotes social change and emancipation
states are self-interested, no global gov, global politics is determined by the “balance of power” between states
state-centric, individual rights, limited state, free markets, eco interdependence
liberal institutionalism
state-centric but faith in rules, norms and institutions to shape behavior (origin of ESG)
social constructivism
rejects rationalism, role of social interactions, culture and language in dev of knowledge
individuals actively construct their understanding of the world through social and cultural processes rather than absorbing objective truths
collective expectations for the proper behaviour of actors with a given id
collective or shared meanings and ideas
critical analysis of capitalism
seeks to understand the nature of class struggle, the role of eco in society and the dynamics of historical change
understand the role of ideas, culture, power, and hegemony in shaping international politics and global relations
social structures
sets of social, eco and political norms and institutions, including culture and class
supremacy of a social class/ruling coalition of actors
threatened by counterhegemonic movements