Definitions Flashcards
An active process…
What is Wellness?
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. It is the process of identifying aspects of one’s life that can be improved and choosing to actively strive toward enhancing that deficit in one’s life.
What is dysfunction?
Dysfunction refers to when wellness is not achieved in the different occupations and/or domains.
What is occupational participation?
Occ participation refers to the engagement in work, play or IADLs e.g. take part in life roles - as a sportsman in soccer
Focus on the word “performance”!
What is occupational performance?
Occ performance refers to how successfully occupations or activities are performed.
I can see it and asses it…
What are occupational skills?
Occ skills are observable, goal-directed actions that a person uses while performing
Focus on the word “identity”!
What is occupational identity?
Occupational identity encompasses a sense of who one is & wishes to become.
Sense of capacity & effectiveness for doing
What things one finds interesting & satisfying to do eg. habits and routines
Who one is- defined by roles and relationships.
Obligations one is required to do & what one deems important
Perceptions of environment: what supports them and what is expected of them.
Participation and identity…
What is occupational competence?
Occupational competence refers to the degree to which one sustains a pattern of occupational participation that reflects one’s occupational identity.
Fulfilling expectations of roles & values one identifies with
Maintaining a routine to fulfill expectations and wants.
Participating in a range of occupations.
Pursuing values & taking action to achieve life outcomes.
Occupational competence…
What is occupational adaptation?
Occupational adaptation refers to the construction of a positive occupational identity & achieving occupational competence over time.
Dependent on occupational identity & occupational competence
Takes place in a specific context with opportunities, supports, constraints, and demands.