Definition: Intent
A deliberate act for a specific result
The offenders words and actions before, during and after the offence.
The nature of the act itself.
And the surrounding circumstances.
Definition: Assault (short version)
Means the act of intentionally applying or attempting to apply force.
Definition: Result
Object, Purpose, Aim
Definition: Grievous Bodily Harm
Harm that is really serious
Definition: Facilitate
To make possible, easy or easier.
Definition: Detection
Being caught in the act
Definition: Stupefies
To sufficiently dull the senses such that the victim is unable to hinder the intended crime.
Definition: Renders unconscious
Render means: to ‘cause to be’ or to ‘cause to become’.
Unconscious - lose consciousness
Definition: Wounds
A wound involves the breaking of the skin and the flow of blood, either internally or externally.
Definition: Maims
Mutilating, crippling or disabling a limb or one of the senses.
There needs to be some degree of permanence.
Definition: Disfigurement
Means deform, deface or alter the appearance of a person.
Does not need to be permanent.
Definition: Injure
Actual bodily harm.
Definition: Actual bodily harm
Any part of the body. Internal, external or psychiatric. Need not be permanent or dangerous.
Definition: Recklessness
Consciously and deliberately taking of an unjustifiable risk.
Definition: Facilitate flight
More easily make their escape, or prevent their capture.
Definition: Violent means
Force that physically incapacitates a person.
Definition: Rendered incapable of resistance
A credible threat of violence. e.g. A threat coupled with the brandishing of a weapon.
Definition: Assault (full version - what must be proved)
(1) Intention to apply or attempt to apply force to another
(2) Application or attempted application of force, whether directly or indirectly
(3) Threaten to apply force in circumstances where the victim believes the offender will be able to carry out the threat.