Definitions Flashcards
MTU (Maximum transmission unit)
Largest size data unit that can be transmitted through the network
PDU (Protocol Data Unit)
Holds the information added by the transport layer
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
allows hosts to exchange messages to indicate a packet’s staus as it travels through a network
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
establishes multicast group memberships, which allows a computer to send a single network packet to multiple hosts on a network at the same time
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
access and retrieve messages from newsgroups
WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
joins several light wavelengths (colors) onto a single strand of fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light
NEXT (near end cross talk)
signal generated on one wire is measured on the other wires at the same end where the transmission occurs
FEXT (far end cross talk)
measures the crosstalk that happens on the opposite end of where the transmission occurs
Alien crostalk
single wire bundle parallels another wire bundle; signal inside inside one wire crosses over tot he second wire that’s nearby
loss of signal strength over distance
Impedance mismatch
Measure of resistance within the transmission medium and measured in ohms; especially found in coaxial cable (manifested as echo)
ORL (Optical return loss)
lost light is reflected back down the cable towards the source
PC (physical contact)
usually used with single mode fiber. Ends are polished with a slight curvature so that when the cable end is mated to the connector, only the cores of the fiber actually touch each other
APC (angled physical contact)
used to reduce back reflection as much as possible (always green)
GBIC (gigabit interface converter)
convert interface from copper to fiber optic
SFP (small form-factor pluggable module)
convert interface from copper to fiber optic
cable certifier
tests the cable and connectors to verify crosstalk is within acceptable levels and no other problems exist that would prevent the cable from operating at the specified speed (aka Cat6 cable supports gigabit speeds)
SFP module (small form factor)
mainly used on switches and routers to modify the media type used on the port
Broadcast MAC address
MAC address with all values set to F
RARP (reverse address resolution protocol)
MAC address is known, but IP address is not
4 bits (each hexadecimal digits equals 4 bits)
Poison reverse
routing loop that is advertised back to the interga
Extended unique identifier, 64-bit; IPv6 address
Medium-Dependent Interface crossed: ports on a hub to which computer systems are attached