Definitions Flashcards
What is a good will?
For Kant, a good will is the source of all good within the world. This also means a will which acts for the sake of duty.
What does deontological mean?
A belief system which is focused around intention rather than consequence. ‘deos’ - duty ‘logos’ - study.
What is an imperative?
An inner tug on our will. The reason we act one way over another.
What is a hypothetical imperative?
An ‘if’ ‘ought’ statement. If you want a cup of tea , you ‘ought’ to boil the kettle. It is a statement which states that a goal or end requires a certain imperative in order to achieve it.
What is a categorical imperative.
It is an ‘ought’ statement. It is a statement which states you should do something, simply because it is an end in itself. E.g. ‘ you should not lie’ This means they are universal and do not have unique goals, and give us obligations.
What is the universal formulation of the categorical imperative?
‘Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will it become universal law and without contradiction,’
What is the humanity formulation of the categorical imperative?
‘Treat humanity, whether in your on person or the person of any other, never merely as the means to an end, but always at the same time as that end,’
What is autonomy?
Autonomy is the ability of a moral agent to choose freely the actions they wish. For example, free speech allows autonomy, whereas false imprisonment does not.
Perfect duty
A duty which is created through failing the first step of the categorical imeprative. An action hich fails to be non-contradictory, or bypasses the autonomy of any individual created a perfect duty not to perform it.
An imperfect duty.
A duty which is created through failing the second step of the categorical imperative. Either, it creates hypocracy or is not in harmony with the autonomy of humanity.
What is the ‘sphere of control’?
It is the area in which an agent is responsible for their actions morally. The influence and choices that impact their moral standing is their sphere of control.