Definitions Flashcards
Least Upper Bound Axiom
Any non-empty set of numbers which is bounded above must have a least upper bound
Archimedian Property of Real Numbers
For any real number r, there exists n∈ℕ such that n > r
Convergence of a Sequence
A sequence converges to a limit l∈ℝ if ∃ N∈ℕ such that |xn-l|<ε ∀n≥N
Sandwich Rule
Suppose that an ≤ bn ≤ cn, where an → l and cn → l. Then bn → l.
Convergence to Infinity of a Sequence
A sequence (an) converges to ∞ as n → ∞ if for every R∈ℝ there exists N such that an > R for every n ≥ N
Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
Any bounded sequence of real numbers
contains a convergent subsequence
Cauchy Sequences
A sequence (an) is Cauchy if for each ε > 0 there exists an N such that |an − am| < ε for m, n ≥ N
Convergence of Series
Ratio Test for Sequences
Suppose that (an) is a sequence of positive terms, and that limn→∞ (an+1/an)=r
If r < 1 then an → 0, and if r > 1 then an → ∞.
Comparison Test for Series
Suppose that 0 ≤ an ≤ bn for every n. Then,
if Σbj converges then Σaj converges;
if Σaj diverges then Σbj diverges
Ratio Test for Series
Root Test for Series
Integral Test for Series
Alternating Series Test
Continuity at a Point
Sequential Continuity
Intermediate Value Theorem
Extreme Value Theorem
Uniform Continuity
Existence of an Inverse