Definitions Flashcards
A community organised around beliefs related to ultimate reality and the consequent beliefs, practices, principles and codes for behaviour.
Ultimate Reality
A term that denotes the underlying cause of all existence, the foundation of reality, the supreme being or even an ideal state of existence; refers to God as the ultimate or sole deity in many religions.
Census of population and housing counts the number of people in Australia, and collects important facts about them, like age, sex and country of birth. It also collects facts about the households people live in.
Religious Affiliation
The religion to which a person nominates an association within the census.
Pluralist Society
A society in which many different world views co-exist within the dominant society while retaining their difference.
A follow of, or believer in, a leader or a cause.
An internationalism of religious beliefs by an individual to accept their truth.
Foundation Belief
A belief upon which other beliefs have been built that if removed, would cause the collapse of tradition.
A belief that is not integral to a religious tradition but that helps to shape the character of a religious tradition.
A belief that is not integral to a religious tradition but that helps to shape the character of a religious tradition.
Distinctive Beliefs
A belief that is only found in that religious tradition or is interpreted in a unique way in that tradition.
Image of God
Not that God is in human form, but rather, that humans are in the image of God in their moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature.
Holy Spirit
The presence of God as part of a person’s religious experience.
The spontaneous, unmerited gift of the divine favour in the salvation of sinners, and the divine influence operating in individuals for their regeneration and sanctification.
A religious ceremony or ritual is regarded as imparting divine grace, such as baptism, the Eucharist and penance and anointing of the sick.