Artist Manager:
manages an artist and deals with daily operations, and develop long-term plans & assist in personal matters
political economic social technological
group of people, customers, market
job that works with artist to book concerts, tours, appearances, and negotiates contracts
Concert Promoter
talent buyers that works for venues
artists’s products (tees, vinyl’s, etc)
rights of copyright or a performance
what the artist has done in his time in the business (albums dropped etc)
Musical Intelligence
skills of professionalism, performing, writing, originality
process of being original, moment of discovery/production
one who enjoys music, is a part of the audience
artist, product of media/fame making
Public Relations
role of doing promotional campaigns, make artist interest among media
Being original
Intellectual Property
IP, Actions of copyright, trademark and patent of an artistic work
Economic Rights
Creators rights: Reproduction, Distribution, Public performance, broadcast, adaptation
Recognizable sign, design, or expression identifying products or service
Right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention
Contractual Clause
: section of a contract that limits how much label pays in royalties
Sole Proprietorship
someone who profits with no formal business
Limited Liability Company:
LLC, business allowed/recognized by the state
S Corporation
small business that is treated as a partnership
for federal tax purposes
fee paid for performing a service ( managers commission is 15-20 percent of artist earning)
Adjusted Gross Income
money from artist after expenses are deducted
Sunset Clause:
clause that is lets managers get commission on something after contract expires
protection against a loss, monetary or legal problem
‘Key Man’ Clause:
clause that makes sure artist that agreement with manager remains even if manager leaves
Mechanical License :
license needed to make and distribute recorsings written by someone other than artist
Synchronized License:
license that lets a song be used in video format
Co-Publishing Agreement
agreement that lets publisher administer an artist composition
Administrative Agreement
agreement that lets administrator collects all income for songwriter/publisher
Grant of Rights Clause:
clause that lets songwriter sell the songs copyright
Cross Collateralization
royalties regained to pay off previous advances
upfront payment from label to artist to use to make album/project
Option Periods
period of time that label commits to artist
Flat Guarantee
deal that promoter pays artist specific amount no matter ticket sales
famous artist that uses its recognition to recommend a product in an ad, positively influence consumer into buying.