Definitions Flashcards
An arrangement of signals and signal appliances so interconnected that their movements must succeed each other in proper sequence and for which interlocking rules are in effect.
Interlocking station
A place from which an interlocking is operated.
Interlocking limits
The tracks between the extreme opposing home signals of an interlocking.
Interlocking switch
A switch within interlocking limits controlled by the block operator or train dispatcher working in conjunction with interlocking signals and other interlocking appliances.
Interlocking signals
The fixed signals of an interlocking.
A length of track of defined limits, the use of which is governed by block signals, block limit signals, automatic speed control or any combination thereof.
Absolute block
A block established between block stations, block limit stations, interlockings or any combination thereof, which must not be occupied by more than one train except as provided by special instructions.
Block signal system
A series of consecutive blocks.
Automatic block signal system
A block signal system where in the use of each block is governed by automatic block signals, a cab signal indicator or both.
Manual block signal system
A block signal system wherein the use of each block is governed by block signals controlled manually, block limit signals, or both upon information received by telephone, radio, or other means of communication.
Bulletin notice
A notice issued to employees by the general superintendent - transportation. It may contain special schedules and other information pertaining to track work programs or special events and will be issued at a minimum of once per week.
General notice
A notice issued to employees by the general superintendent transportation. It may contain operating instructions or other information as may be necessary.
General order
An order issued to employees by the general superintendent transportation. It may change or annul operating rules, timetable information or special instructions.
The part of the timetable that prescribes direction, number and movement of a regular train.
Temporary speed restriction bulletin (TSRB)
A daily bulletin containing necessary speed restrictions issued by the train dispatcher.
The authority for the movement of regular trains subject to the rules. It contains classified schedules and special instructions relating to the movement of trains.
Dual control switch
A power-operated switch also equipped for hand operation.
Electric lock switch
A hand operated switch equipped with an electrical device that restricts the movement of the switch.
Hand operated switch
A switch that must be aligned by hand before a train makes a trailing point movement through the switch.
Spring switch
A switch equipped with a spring mechanism that will restore the switch points to the normal position after being trailed through.
Block-limit station
A place at which a block limit signal is displayed.
Passenger station
A place at which trains are scheduled to receive and/or discharge passengers.
A place designated by name on the station pages of the current timetable.
Block station
A place at which manual block signals are displayed.
Automatic safety switch
A switch identified by a yellow switch stand. Trains may make trailing point moves through the switch without previously aligning it by hand unless otherwise specified.
A track connection between two adjacent not necessarily parallel tracks, consisting of a minimum of two switches, which is intended to be used primarily for the purpose of crossing over from one track to another.
A track safety device, fixed or portable, designed to guide a car off the rails at a selected location on a track as means of protection against collisions and other accidents.