Definitions Flashcards
Metric space, metric, distance
A set X is called a metric space if there exists a function
d: X x X → [0, ∞)
such that
(a) d(x, y) > 0 if x ≄ y; d(x, x) = 0;
(b) d(x, y) = d(y, x)
(c) d(x, y) ≤ d(x, z) + d(z, y) for any z ∈ X (triangle inequality)
The function d is the metric or distance function, and the number d(x, y) is the distance between x and y.
Limsup of a sequence of real numbers
Let {xₖ}ₖ₌₁᪲, be a sequence of real numbers. The limit superior of the sequence is
lim sup xₖ = inf ( sup xₙ )
k→∞ k≥1 n≥k
Liminf of a sequence of real numbers
Let {xₖ}ₖ₌₁᪲ be a sequence of real numbers. The limit inferior of the sequence is
lim inf xₖ = sup ( inf xₙ )
k→∞ k≥1 n≥k
Limsup of a sequence of sets
Let {Eₖ}ₖ₌₁᪲ be a sequence of sets. The limit superior is the following:
∞ ∞
lim sup Eₖ = ⋃ ⋂ Eₙ
k→∞ k=1 n=k
Liminf of a sequence of sets
Let {Eₖ}ₖ₌₁᪲ be a sequence of sets. The limit inferior is the following:
∞ ∞
lim inf Eₖ = ⋂ ⋃ Eₙ
k→∞ k=1 n=k
Ceiling function
⌈.⌉ : R → Z, x → the least integer ≥ x
Floor function
⌊.⌋ : R → Z, x → the greatest integer ≤ x
Countable set
A set X is countable if it is either
1) finite, or
2) Can be put into a bijection with N
Uncountable set
A set X is uncountable if it is not countable.
Neighbourhood, radius
Let X be a metric space. A neighbourhood of a point p in X is a set
B(p, r) := {q ϵ X : d(p, q) < r}
The number r > 0 is the radius. This is also the definition of an open ball around the point p of radius r.
Limit point
A point p in a metric space X is a limit point of a subset E of X if every neighbourhood of p contains a point q ≠ p with q in E.
Isolated point
If p ϵ E, a subset of a metric space X, and p is not a limit point of E, then p is an isolated point of E.
Closed set
A subset E of a metric space is closed if every limit point of E is a point of E.
Interior point
A point p is an interior point of a subset E of a metric space if there is a neighbourhood N of p such that N is a subset of E.
Open set
A set E in a metric space is open if every point of E is an interior point in E.
Perfect set
A set E in a metric space is perfect if E is closed and every point of E is a limit point of E.
Bounded set
A set E in a metric space X is bounded if there exists a real number M > 0 and a point q ϵ X such that d(q, p) < M for all p ϵ E.
Dense set
A set E in a metric space X is dense in X if every point of X is a limit point of E or a point of E (or both).
Closure of a set
Let X be a metric space and E a subset of X. If E’ denotes the set of all limit points of E in X, then the closure of E is the set
Ē = E ⋃ E’
Open cover
An open cover of a set E in a metric space X is a collection {U𝛼} of open subsets of X such that
E ⊂ ⋃ U𝛼
Compact set
A subset K of a metric space X is compact if every open cover of K contains a finite subcover. More explicitly, if {U𝛼} is an open cover of K, then there exists finitely many indices 𝛼₁, …, 𝛼ₙ such that
K ⊂ U𝛼₁ ⋃ … ⋃ U𝛼ₙ
Lipschitz (continuous), Lipschitz constant
Given metric spaces (X, dₓ), (Y, dᵧ), a function f: x → y is called Lipschitz (continuous) if there exists a constant K > 0 such that for all x₁, x₂ ϵ X, we have that
dᵧ (f(x₁,) f(x₂)) ≤ Kdₓ (x₁, x₂)
The constant K is referred to as the Lipschitz constant of f. Note that K suffices for every x₁, x₂ ϵ X.
Bilipschitz (continuous)
Given metric spaces (X, dₓ), (Y, dᵧ), a function f: x → y is called bilipschitz (continuous) if there exists a constant K ≥ 1 such that for all x₁, x₂ ϵ X, we have that
1/K dₓ (x₁, x₂) ≤ dᵧ (f(x₁,) f(x₂)) ≤ Kdₓ (x₁, x₂)
The constant K is referred to as the biipschitz constant of f. Note that K suffices for every x₁, x₂ ϵ X.
Hausdorff metric, 𝛅-parallel body
Let D be a closed subset of Rⁿ and let 𝒮 := 𝒮(D) denote the collection of non-empty compact subsets of D. Let 𝛅 > 0. For any A ϵ 𐊖, define the 𝛅-parallel body to A as the following set:
A_𝛅 = {x ϵ D : |x-a| ≤ 𝛅 for some a ϵ A}
For any A, B ϵ 𝒮, the Hausdorff metric is defined as
d_H (A, B) = inf {𝛅 : A ⊂ B_𝛅 and B ⊂ A_𝛅}