Definitions Flashcards
<p>Regular AdjectivesDefinition</p>
<p>An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. They add colour, size, shape, feeling or many other qualities to nouns.</p>
<p>Adverb Definition</p>
<p>A word that describs a verb, an adjective or another adverb. It tells us how, when, where something happens.</p>
<p>Main Verbs Definition</p>
<p>A doing, being or having word.</p>
<p>Auxillary Verbs Definition</p>
<p>A verb used with the main verb to help indicate something such as tense or voice</p>
<p>Metaphor Definition</p>
<p>A metaphor is a figure of speech that says that A is B even though A seems unlike B.</p>
<p>Simile Definition</p>
<p>A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.</p>
<p>Onomatopoeia Definition</p>
<p>Onomatopoeia is a word which mimics the sound it represents.</p>
<p>Personification Definition</p>
<p>Giving human characteristics to inanimate objects.</p>
<p>Foreshadowing Definition</p>
<p>Providing clues to readers for upcoming events in thestory.</p>
<p>Flashback Definition</p>
<p>A scene in a film, novel, etc. set in a time earlier than the main story.</p>
<p>Irony Definition</p>
<p>Irony is when there are two contradicting meanings of the same situation</p>
<p>Repetition Definition</p>
<p>Repeating a word or phrase for effect.</p>
<p>Imagery Definition</p>
<p>To paint a picture in the readers mind.</p>
<p>Juxtaposition Definition</p>
<p>Juxtaposition is the placement of two or more things side by side, often in order to bring out their differences.</p>
<p>Symbolism Definition</p>
<p>A symbol is any image or thing that stands for something else.</p>
<p>Hyperbole Definition</p>
<p>Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration.</p>
<p>Pun Definition</p>
<p>A phrase with 2 different meaning.</p>
<p>Direct Speech Definition</p>
<p>The reporting of speech by repeating what the speaker said word for word.</p>
<p>Idioms Definition</p>
<p>Are sayings or expressions that we use in everyday speech.</p>
<p>Adverbial Phrases Definition</p>
<p>A group of words that tell you where, when, how or why.</p>
<p>Dependent Clause Definition</p>
<p>The one that needs the independent clause to make sense.</p>
<p>Independent Clause Definition</p>
<p>The independent clause is the one that makes sense on its own.</p>
<p>Preposition Definition</p>
<p>A time, place or direction word that links a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence.</p>
<p>Compound Words Definition</p>
<p>A compound word is 2 or more words linked together to create another word.</p>
<p>Compound Sentences Definition</p>
<p>A compound sentence joins two (or more) independent clauses</p>
<p>Simple Sentence Definition</p>
<p>A sentence with one clause.</p>
<p>Complex Sentences Definition</p>
<p>A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent and at least one dependent clause</p>
<p>Common Noun Definition</p>
<p>A common noun is any ordinary thing you can see or touch.</p>
<p>Proper Noun Definition</p>
<p>A Proper noun is the special name of a person, common place or thing.</p>
<p>Collective Noun Definition</p>
<p>The name given to a group of people, places or things.</p>
<p>Abstract Noun Definition</p>
<p>The name of something you feel or could exist in your mind. You cannot see or touch an abstract noun.</p>
<p>Pronouns Definition</p>
<p>A word that is used instead of a noun.</p>
<p>Comparative Adjective Definition</p>
<p>It compares a particular quality of 2 things.</p>
<p>Superlative Adjectives Definition</p>
<p>Compares a particular quality of 2 or more things.</p>
<p>Verb Tense Definition</p>
<p>An action of you doing something in the future, past or present.</p>
<p>Conjunction Definition</p>
<p>Is joining word that helps to hold texts together.</p>
<p>Prefix Definition</p>
<p>A prefix is something attached to the beginning of a root word.</p>
<p>Suffix Definition</p>
<p>A suffix is something attached to the end of a root word.</p>
<p>Alliteration Definition</p>
<p>A repetition of the first sounds in words that are close together.</p>
<p>Assonance Definition</p>
<p>Words with similar vowel sounds or similar consonant sounds.</p>
<p>Mood Definition</p>
<p>The overall feeling or atmosphere of the work<span>.</span></p>
<p>Oxymoron Definition</p>
<p>When two different words contradict what each of them are saying</p>