Definition of terms. Flashcards
Remembering the definition of terms.
What is the term of tissue?
A group of similar cells working together to perform a particular function.
What is the definition of organ?
It is a group of different tissues working together to carry out a particular set of functions.
What is the definition of diffusion?
It is the net movement of substance from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, down the concentration gradient, until all the substance becomes evenly spaced out.
Net movement of substance from region of higher concentration to lower concentration.
What is the definition of osmosis?
It is the net movement if water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential, across a partially permeable membrane.
What is the definition of enzymes?
It is proteins made by cells, which speed up the rate of chemical reactions, without themselves being chemically changed at the end of the reactions, and can be reused.
What is the definition of photosynthesis?
It is a process whereby green plants absorb carbon dioxide and water in the presence of light energy. Which is absorbed by chlorophyll in chloroplasts to synthesize glucose and oxygen.
Word equation:
carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen
light + suitable temperature
What is the definition of transpiration?
It is loss of water vapour mainly from the stomata of leaves of a plant.
What is the definition of translocation?
It is the transport of manufactured food substances(e.g. sugar, amino acids) from leaves to other parts of the plant through the phloem.
What is the definition of aerobic respiration?
It is the breakdown of food substances in the presence of oxygen with the release of large amounts of energy and carbon dioxide and water as waste products.
Word equation:
glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
What is the definition of anaerobic respiration?
The breakdown of food substances in the absence of oxygen with the release of smaller amounts of energy.
Word equation:
in human muscles - glucose → lactic acid
in yeast - glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide
What is the definition of reproduction?
The production of new offspring organisms from parent organism(s) of the same species.
What is the definition of asexual reproduction?
It is the process resulting in the production of genetically identical offspring from one parent.
What is the definition of sexual reproduction?
It is the process involving the fusion of nuclei to form a zygote and the production of genetically different offspring.
What is the definition of pollination?
The transfer of pollen grains from the mature anther to the stigma.
What is the definition of self-pollination?
The transfer of pollen grains from an anther to a stigma of the same flower or a different flower of the same plant.
What is the definition of cross-pollination?
The transfer of pollen grains from an anther of a flower to a stigma of a flower of a different plant of the same species.
What is the definition of fertilization?
It is the fusion of nuclei of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
What is the definition of Sexually transmitted infections(STIs)?
They are diseases that are transmitted due to contact of infected body fluids(e.g. seminal fluid, vaginal fluid, blood & etc.)
What is the definition of haploid and diploid?
Haploid (n): one set of chromosomes. (Half the number, gametes(e.g. sperms &egg))
Diploid (2n): two sets of chromosomes.
What is the definition of reflex action?
An automatic, immediate response to a specific stimulus without conscious control.
- Fast
- involuntarily/automatic/innate
- always involves a stimulus and the same response
What is the definition of reflex arc?
The shortest pathway by which nerve impulses are transmitted from the receptor to the effector in a reflex action.
What is the definition of irritability(sensitive)?
The ability of an organism to sense changes(e.g. lights/sound) in the environment and respond to it accordingly.
What is the definition of focusing?
It is the adjustments of the lens of the eye so that clear images of objects at different distances are formed on the retina.
What is the definition of hormones?
Hormones are chemical substances produced in minute/very small quantities by endocrine glands. They are transported by blood to target organ(s), where they alter the activity of the target organ(s). After they have performed their functions, they are broken down by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.
What is the definition of endocrine glands?
It is a tissue or an organ, which produces and secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, rather than through a duct.
What is the definition of nucleotide?
It consists of three components which are phosphate, sugar and the base.
What is the definition of deoxyribonucleic acid?
It consists of two polynucleotide chains twisting around each other to form a double-helix. The sugar-phosphate backbones of both strands lie on the outside of the DNA molecule, with the nitrogenous bases occupying the centre of the molecule. The two strands run in the opposite directions, making them anti-parallel. The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases of opposite strands. A polynucleotide chain consists of a nucleotide.
What is the definition of a gene?
It is a (short) segment of DNA which contains a sequence of bases found on nucleotides. Which is responsible for the specific physical traits/characteristics(e.g. eye colour) in a person and it also controls the synthesis of important proteins. (e.g. enzymes)